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Application development & MHL. Developing Morphic Morphic & charger with USB cable –USB driver (download from the web) Development Environment: Visual.

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Presentation on theme: "Application development & MHL. Developing Morphic Morphic & charger with USB cable –USB driver (download from the web) Development Environment: Visual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application development & MHL

2 Developing Morphic Morphic & charger with USB cable –USB driver (download from the web) Development Environment: Visual Studio 2005 + Service Pack 1 Visual Studio 2008 MHL.NET Wrapper and Samples for Compact _frame_work 2.0 Java Wrapper (on request from Nordic ID) MHL 1.0 for Morphic (or newer) manual – Windows XP: ActiveSync 4.0 or newer (4.5 recommended) Windows Vista: Mobile Device Center 6.1 (or newer) Morphic SDK –

3 Morphic Memory management Compressed Windows CE Registry Backup Patches Uncompressed Windows CE Object Store Program Memory RAM 32 Mb128 Mb 39 Mb 16 Mb 72 Mb 23 Mb 2 Mb 6 Mb Nor Flash (reserved for NID) 128 MB Nand Flash 128 Mb SDRAM Info based on FW version 1.3.0 NOR Flash Reserved 1 Mb Free for Customer use PAK’s NAND Flash 128 Mb

4 Multiple Hardware Layers (MHL) Application Layer.NETCOM/HTMLC/C++ MHL DriversFeaturesProfiles Drivers and Built-In Features Hardware E.g. Scanner, RFID, Keypad, Display

5 Advantages of the Multiple Hardware Layers (MHL) Future compatibility ensured with MHL Easy to use. The developer only needs to learn a few functions to control MHL Easy-to-use (17 commands) Access through C/C++, VB, COM,.NET, or HTML (JavaScript), Java Compatible with future hardware Low cost development Extensive documentation MHL

6 Developing Morphic Application on Morphic (=client) Client application: Stock take Labelling Serial data.. UI DB Barcode reading Keylights MHL controls HW related functionality => Morphic spesific Microsoft controls any general Windows CE related functionality - Such as User Interface for the application or using a database => Samples etc.

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