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Jeanne Benecke Lois Parker-Hennion Jillian Richards Amy Rosenthal Mark Stanford Maria Stillo Kristen Sullivan Jennifer Amos Juliet Gevargis Rich Neidhart.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeanne Benecke Lois Parker-Hennion Jillian Richards Amy Rosenthal Mark Stanford Maria Stillo Kristen Sullivan Jennifer Amos Juliet Gevargis Rich Neidhart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeanne Benecke Lois Parker-Hennion Jillian Richards Amy Rosenthal Mark Stanford Maria Stillo Kristen Sullivan Jennifer Amos Juliet Gevargis Rich Neidhart


3 What are the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Literacy?  New learning standards created to ensure that all K-12 students are college and career ready in literacy by the time they graduate high school

4 What are the CCSS for Literacy?  According to CCSSO and NGA, the Standards are: (1) research and evidence based (2) aligned with college and work expectations (3) rigorous (4) internationally benchmarked  The CCSS are meant to be a “living document.” As new research and evidence emerge, the document will be revised to follow and align with a changing world NGA: The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices CCSSO: Council of Chief State School Officers

5 United States Map Showing States that Adopted the Common Core (New York State Adopted the CCSS on July 19, 2010) Adopted Not yet adopted New York State


7 Do I need to change all of my teaching immediately?  No, New York State has not even made all of their changes; they are constantly updating and revamping what they are putting out  When aligning your classes to the CCSS for literacy, you will most likely find that your lessons already parallel the standards  You may have to tweak things a bit, but it does not require a huge change in your teaching

8 Shift 1: PK-5 Balancing Informational & Literary Text GradeLiteraryInformational 450% 845%55% 1230%70% Recommended Distribution of Literary & Informational Text by Grade 2011 NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) reading framework

9 Shift 2: Knowledge in the Disciplines  Look to include and develop literacy experiences in the classroom  Expand beyond the textbook  Incorporate more non-fiction literature in the classroom  Include more articles from the field and more primary sources (especially in Science and Social Studies)

10 Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity  Each grade level requires a “step” of growth on the “staircase”  In some instances, this may require changing the texts we read. In our specific case, however, this will probably not be the big change.  Appendix B of the Common Core

11 Shift 4: Text-Based Answers  Instruct students how to properly use textual evidence to support their work  Use the text as a primary source of engaging the students  Make students "scholars" rather than "just witnesses" of the text  Directly connect the questions to the text For example, "Why did the author choose this specific word?" rather than only "What is the overall theme of this work?"

12 Shift 5: Writing from Sources  Have students comment on a fact rather than state an opinion based on feelings  Writing emphasizes use of evidence from sources to inform or make an argument  There is less of a focus on personal narrative

13 Shift 5: Writing from Sources  Field Trip Account  Common Core Field Trip Account Yesterday, I went on a field trip to the aquarium. My favorite animal was the penguin because it was cute. I also saw some seahorses. It smelled fishy and I did not like that! I had pizza for lunch. It was yummy. On the bus ride home we played games. Yesterday, I went on a field trip to the aquarium. I saw an exhibit and learned a lot about penguins. I couldn’t believe that emperor penguins don’t sit on their eggs. They keep them warm on their feet. I also learned that penguins won't survive if we don't change our human actions. I am going to make sure that I recycle from now on!

14 Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary  Consistently develop students ability to use and access words that appear in text but may not be fully understood  Vocabulary is broken down into three tiers: Tier 1: Common words Tier 2: Powerfully useful and frequently occurring words Tier 3: Domain specific words

15 Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary Tier 2:Tier 3: RepresentsParallel RespectivelyMedian SeveralSupplementary HorizontalPerpendicular Tier 2:Tier 3: FunctionsHemoglobin ComponentsHomeostasis SuspendedClotting TransportsPlasma Tier 2:Tier 3: AgriculturalNew Deal RegulateWagner Act ProductionResettlement ReputationWelfare  Science  Math  Social Studies

16 Find out more here! 

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