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Fourth Grade Curriculum Conference Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Mrs. Fischer/ Ms. Cella Mrs. Savio Mrs. Kozyra.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth Grade Curriculum Conference Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Mrs. Fischer/ Ms. Cella Mrs. Savio Mrs. Kozyra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth Grade Curriculum Conference Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Mrs. Fischer/ Ms. Cella Mrs. Savio Mrs. Kozyra

2 *All of the Curriculum is aligned to the CCLS Literacy-Reader’s Workshop Students will participate in a mini lesson, independent practice and guided reading groups. We are continuing to use the Journeys program. Students will engage in discussions with “Just Right” books. At the end of the block, the class will come together to share their experiences and learning from their reading.

3 Writer’s Workshop The teachers will model and the students will practice what they have learned. Teachers will have individual conferences with students to provide support. Published pieces will be shared and celebrated. We will focus on Narrative Writing, Persuasive Writing, and Informational Writing. Students have a personal writer’s notebook that helps to spark their writing.

4 Math Math in Focus: Singapore Math is our school wide program. Aligned to the common core standards. This program teaches the students a deep understanding of math through instruction, hands on activities and problem solving. Students will use many hands on manipulatives. They will also use a textbook for classwork and a workbook for homework.

5 Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Harcourt will be used weekly to focus on New York State.

6 Homework Homework is assigned daily. It will consist of Literacy, Math, Writing, and Social Studies. Please be sure to sign your child’s Reading Log and Planner daily. Along with the reading log, students will be expected to respond on a book and record in their orange dot notebook. Your child’s “Just Right” book will come home daily.

7 Assessments Will be given on a regular basis. Teacher’s College to determine independent reading levels will be given administered multiple times throughout the course of the year. Math tests will include pre and post assessments. Any test that is sent home, must be signed and returned to school the next day.

8 Other Classroom Procedures Notes: The take home folder is the main form of communication between the classroom and the home. Please check the folder daily for notes and homework assignments. If you have a note for us, please send to school in the folder. If someone other than the person who normally picks up your child, will be picking up on any given day, that individual must be on the blue card. We ask that they have picture ID with them upon dismissal. It is for your child’s safety.

9 Standardized Testing In Fourth Grade, your child will be taking the ELA and Math State Tests. We prepare for the test all year. The students will begin Benchmark assessments to help them practice and prepare for the tests in the Spring. Several will be administered throughout the year.

10 Contact Information

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