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Made of 206 bones. FUNCTION of SKELETAL SYSTEM Supports Protects Movement and Anchorage Manufactures blood cells Mineral Storage.

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Presentation on theme: "Made of 206 bones. FUNCTION of SKELETAL SYSTEM Supports Protects Movement and Anchorage Manufactures blood cells Mineral Storage."— Presentation transcript:


2 Made of 206 bones.

3 FUNCTION of SKELETAL SYSTEM Supports Protects Movement and Anchorage Manufactures blood cells Mineral Storage

4 TYPES OF BONE Long--humerus, ulna, femur, etc. Flat--cranium, sternum, ribs, scapula Irregular--spine, pelvic, facial Short--carpals, tarsals Sesamoid--patella

5 Ex. Long Bones – Tibia, Fibula

6 Ex. Short Bones – bones of the Foot and Ankle

7 Ex Irregular Bone - Vertebrae

8 Ex. Flat Bone - Sternum

9 Cartilage- type of tough connective tissue Where found: -Major portion of the EMBRYO -portion of the ribs -Nasal septum -between vertebrae and other joints -walls of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi -Ears


11 Diaphysis - the central shaft of the long bones which is a hollow tube made of compact bone Epiphysis - knobby ends of bones

12 Medullary Cavity- hollow area inside the diaphysis of bone. Contains bone marrow (yellow and red) BONE MARROW – soft material within the bone; contains blood vessels and is the site RED CELL (Carry oxygen) and WHITE CELL (Fight infection) production.

13 LIGAMENTS- Tissue that connects bone to bone

14 Periosteum- strong membrane that covers most of a long bone

15 Foramen Hole in a bone allowing blood vessels, nerves, etc. to pass through

16 Foramen

17 BONE FORMATION and GROWTH When the skeleton first forms in a baby before birth, it consists not of bones but of cartilage and fibrous structures shaped like bones. Gradually this cartilage changes into real bones when cartilage is replaced with calcified bone matrix deposited by specialized bone-forming cells called osteoblasts. **YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW THIS FOR THE TEST


19 The change from cartilage to adult bone requires continuous activity by the bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-reabsorbing osteoclasts. Laying down of Ca salts in gel-like matrix of the newly formed bone is an ongoing process.

20 This is called calcification of bone. This is what makes bones hard.


22 Long bones grow from a center in its diaphysis. The diaphysis grows in both directions toward both epiphyses, and both epiphyses grow toward the diaphysis. As long as there is epiphyseal cartilage remaining, this two-way growth will continue. (GROWTH PLATE)

23 It ceases when all epiphyseal cartilage has changed into bone. MDs will occasionally use this to determine if a child is going to grow any more. X-rays are done on the wrist to determine if there is cartilage remaining. If the x- ray shows cartilage there will continue to be growth.

24 JOINTS where 2 or more bones join together AKA articulation three types of joints Synarthroses (IMMOVABLE) Amphiarthroses (SLIGHTLY MOVABLE) Diarthroses (FREELY MOVABLE)


26 SYNARTHROSES (IMMOVABLE) AKA fibrous joint little or no movement found in the sutures in the cranium


28 AMPHIARTHROSES (SLIGHTLY MOVABLE) AKA cartilaginous joint provide little or no movement found between the vertebrae and the sacro-iliac joint



31 DIARTHROSES (FREELY MOVABLE) AKA synovial joints these are freely movable joints most of joints in body are this type there are six types of diarthrotic joints


33 DIARTHROTIC or SYNOVIAL JOINTS Ball and Socket Hinge Saddle Ellipsoid Pivot Gliding

34 MALE and FEMALE SKELETON Male and female skeletons differ in several ways Most male skeletons are larger than female Female pelvis is made to cradle a baby and can pass through it during birth Male hipbones are generally larger, but male form a narrower structure than female

35 Male pelvis is shaped like a funnel Female has broader, shallow shape Pelvic inlet ( AKA brim) is normally wider in female than male

36 DISORDERS Fractures = Break in a bone Reduction is restoring the broken bone to it’s original position.

37 TYPES OF FRACTURE Simple-bone is broken, but ends do not pierce through the skin Compound-most serious type of fx. Broken bone ends pierce through the skin. Greenstick-simplest type of fx. Bone is bent, but never completely separates. Comminuted-bone is splintered or broken into many pieces, not piercing skin Spiral- a twisting break. Common in child abuse cases.






43 DISORDERS Dislocation-bone is displaced from its proper position in a joint. Tearing of ligaments. Sprain-injury to joint caused by sudden or unusual motion. Joint is not dislocated but ligaments are torn. Arthritis-inflammation of one or more joints.

44 2 Types of Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis-chronic systemic disease affecting connective tissues and joints. Joints swell and much pain. Confirmed through positive blood test. Osteoarthritis-degenerative joint disease. Cartilage softens and degenerates. Wear and tear joints.

45 Gout-gouty arthritis-caused by faulty uric acid metabolism. Elevated uric acid levels in blood. Affects great toe. Bunion-swelling of bursa of foot at big toe. Rickets-caused by lack of vitamin D. Portions of bone are soft causing them to bend.

46 Clubfoot-congenital malformation of one or both feet. Body rests on heel or ball of foot. Microcephalus-congenital or hereditary condition where there is a smallness of the cranium. Usually arrested mental development. Osteoporosis-softening of bones caused by deficiency in hormones. Bones fx easily.






52 Spina bifida-congenital disorder where the vertebral column does not develop completely and unite properly. The spinal cord protrudes out of spinal cavity.


54 Disorders involving curvature of the spine: Kyphosis-hunchback, humped curvature of the thoracic area of the spine. Lordosis-swayback, curvature of spine inward at lumbar region. Scoliosis-side to side or lateral curvature of the spine.




58 Carpal tunnel syndrome-pain or numbness that affects the palm side of the thumb, index finger, ring finger, and extend to the arm. Due to trauma or repetitive motion. Ankylosis-bones have fused and joint is immobile

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