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City of Belmont Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting 11/4/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Belmont Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting 11/4/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Belmont Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting 11/4/2015

2 ` Introduction  County Transportation Development Act (TDA) Grant Funding  City of Belmont does not have a Comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan  Several Bike Lanes and Sidewalks throughout the City, are limited due to topography, right of way constraints, and occasional opposition from residents.

3 ` Project Goals and Objectives  Create a safe and comfortable, pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment  Improve connectivity with adjacent communities  Become more strategic and successful in competing for Grant Funding  Plan will be developed to be consistent with  City of Belmont’s Complete Streets Policy, 2013  Belmont-Redwood Shores Safe Routes to School Study, 2012  CCAG Congestion Management Plan, 2013  San Mateo County Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, 2011  Ralston Corridor Study (ongoing)  Belmont Village Specific Plan (under development)

4 ` Specific Goals What is Active Transportation (Bike & Pedestrian) Overall Study Goal “Develop a short- and long-term strategic bicycle and pedestrian master plan and implementation strategy for the City of Belmont to encourage walking and bicycling for transportation purposes and to support active lifestyles.” Pedestrian Goal “To build upon existing pedestrian facilities and recommend future infrastructure to increase and improve pedestrian mobility and access to community facilities, attractions and services.” Bicycle Goal “To build upon existing bicycle facilities to develop a feasible and practical City-wide bicycle network and an implementation plan that accommodates bicyclists of all ages.”

5 Benefits of Traffic Calming Program Study Approach  Assessment of Existing Conditions  Bike/Ped Counts  Inventory of Bike/Ped Facilities  Review of Collision History  Public Outreach  Online Resident Survey  Establishment of a Stakeholder Advisory Group  Public Meetings  Prioritize Pedestrian & Bicycle Projects Based on Identified Needs  Implementation and Funding

6 Existing Conditions  Data Collection Pedestrian, Bicycle and Vehicular Turning Movement Counts  Collision History  Environment Inventory and Data Collection Pedestrian Facilities Bicycle Facilities Intersection Conditions (ADA Compliance) Neighborhood Percent Distribution Grade AGrade BGrade C Belmont Heights73%15%12% Central32%10%58% Cipriani10%5%85% Downtown29%6%65% Farallon (HOA)0% 100% Homeview92%8%0% McDougal60%20% Plateau-Skymont35%19%46% Sterling Downs86%14%0% Unassigned38%25%37% Western Hills42%33%25% Pedestrian Environment Assessment

7 Next Steps  Public Outreach  Webpage  Pedestrian and Bicycle Online Survey  Walk and Roll with BRSSD  Bicycle Ride and Pedestrian Walking Tour  Needs Analysis  Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Projects  Design Policies and Guidelines  Draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan  Final Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

8 What are your major concerns towards the pedestrian and bicycle modes in the City? What do you think will help? BPAC Input: Questions to Think About What are some additional concerns or suggestions you have for us?

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