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10 by 10 Initiatives. 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the use of “alternative transportation modes” by the year 2010. Stepped approach: Convert.

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Presentation on theme: "10 by 10 Initiatives. 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the use of “alternative transportation modes” by the year 2010. Stepped approach: Convert."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 by 10 Initiatives

2 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the use of “alternative transportation modes” by the year 2010. Stepped approach: Convert 3% of the 20,000 employees presently employed in the region by the end of 2007 to alternative transportation modes. Convert another 3% of the employment base in 2008. Convert another 3% of the employment base in 2009. The goals is to obtain 2,000 riders by 2010.

3 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the use of “alternative transportation modes” by the year 2010. How: Be engaged & informed. Promote use of mass transit and other “peak demand” traffic management alternatives (flex time, car pooling, pre-tax and other financial incentives). Advocate at local, state and federal level as appropriate.

4 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the regional advocacy for Smart Growth by the year 2010. Short-term Action Plan Complete Exit 38 environmental assessment study Day Hill Rd. pavement management and capacity improvements studies. Pedestrian circulation and bus shelter plan. Windsor Center TOD study. Bradley International Airport – a key asset and growth engine.

5 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the regional advocacy for Smart Growth by the year 2010. Long-term Action Plan Exit 38 funding. Implement shuttle system. Implement Rte 305 recommendations. Promote implementation of Griffin Bus way. Promote TOD (Transit Oriented Development).

6 10% by 2010 Achieve a 90% increase in our Decision Makers’ level of awareness and sensitivity to the Region’s transportation needs. Leaving only 10% uninformed by 2010. Short-term: Designate one executive level representative to participate on chamber transportation committee. Actively participate in Mass Transit Survey scheduled spring/summer 2007. Participate in Route 305 Corridor Study (2007 & 2008). Provide updated employment & transportation data to Chamber/town as part of developing baseline data.

7 10% by 2010 Achieve a 90% increase in our Decision Makers’ level of awareness and sensitivity to the Region’s transportation needs. Long-term: Advocate for funding of programs. Promote the region’s growing economic strength. Advance the local job creation. Actively participate in “green technology” and reduced carbon emissions. Embrace Multi-faceted Smart Growth.

8 10% by 2010 Achieve a 10% increase in the use of “alternative transportation modes” by the year 2010. Achieve a 10% increase in the regional advocacy for Smart Growth by the year 2010. Achieve a 90% increase in our Decision Makers’ level of awareness and sensitivity to the Region’s transportation needs.

9 10% by 2010 Benefits Reduction in loss travel time. Less Stress in the Workforce. Higher utilization of infrastructure. Lower per person per mile commuting costs. Higher employee productivity. Increased corporate and business profits.

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