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Panic Grass and Fever Few Hiroshima by John Hersey Chapter Four Discussion Questions.

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1 Panic Grass and Fever Few Hiroshima by John Hersey Chapter Four Discussion Questions

2 Find the title of this chapter in the narrative. To what to do the literal words refer? P. 69 Panic grass and fever few are weeds that grew up out of the ashes of Hiroshima They were seen by Ms. Sasaki as an “optimistic green” that symbolized resilience and a new start (Hersey 69). At the same time, unlike morning glory and day lilies, the terms “panic” and “fever” remind us of the negative reality of the bombing

3 What passage of time does this chapter cover? Chapter 4 covers from August 18 th until approximately the first year anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.

4 What are the most common symptoms of radiation sickness the characters suffer? General malaise –Fatigue/exhaustion, fever, faintness Nausea/Diarrhea Hair loss Spot hemorrhages or petechiae Weakening of immune system –Injuries would not heal/became worse Sterility, miscarriage

5 What evidence of anti-American sentiment appears in this chapter? Once rumors of the predicted length of the illness spread, Ms. Nakamura’s and others’ anger at the Americans reveals itself –It “aroused them to more hatred and resentment of the Americans than they had felt all through the war” (Hersey 72).

6 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Mr. Tanimoto –Falls ill with general malaise –Spend a few months recovering –Returns to Hiroshima –Writes letter about renewed nationalism and community spirit brought on by the bombing –Loses vitality

7 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Mrs. Nakamura –Aug. 26 th : wakes up weak and cannot get out of bed –Gradually begins to feel better –Eventually rents a carpenter’s shack, but has little money and no means to support her family since her sewing machine is rusted and useless

8 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Father Kleinsorge –Develops a fever at the Novitiate –Is transferred to the Catholic International Hospital in Tokyo where he becomes a curiosity –Is released and sits with Dr. Fujii on the train –Meets with Ms. Sasaki to encourage her to survive –Rebuilds the mission house and is re- hospitalized about a year after the bombing

9 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Ms. Sasaki –Has internal infection in leg which prevents surgery –Is brought to the Red Cross Hospital under Dr. Sasaki’s care –He drains her leg but is unable to set it –Loses hope but is comforted by Father Kleinsorge –Begins to heal, and is released but crippled

10 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Dr. Fujii –Bad luck with rivers continues –Okuma house where he is staying is washed away in a flood –Eventually takes over a vacant private clinic

11 What was the circumstance of the condition of each of the six survivors by the end of the chapter? Dr. Sasaki –Slept 6 hrs/night on a mat in the hospital –Lost 20lbs and wore borrowed glasses –Gets married in March –The hospital starts to function more normally –Regains weight but is unable to work like he used to due to exhaustion

12 How and when did the survivors hear of the end of the war? The survivors hear of the end of the war on the morning of August 15 th when the Emperor gives a speech.

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