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Creating Citations & Bibliographies You’re going to LOVE this!

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Citations & Bibliographies You’re going to LOVE this!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Citations & Bibliographies You’re going to LOVE this!

2 Academic Papers Require citations Require bibliographies –Sometimes –Works Cited Pages –References Pages Why didn’t I start this sooner!

3 Step One Recognize you must start writing your paper. Open a blank document in Word. Click on the References Tab (reveals the References Ribbon) Focus on the “Citations & Bibliography” Group

4 Step Two Word creates and updates bibliographies automatically! Choose your style –APA –MLA –HARVARD –CHICAGO You can change this later and it will update to the new style chosen!

5 Add Citation or Resource You can begin by either adding your sources or by starting your paper and adding the sources on the fly (when you need to cite) To add a citation, 1.Select the desired location for the citation in your document 2.Click the Insert Citation command on the References tab 3.Select Add New Source.

6 The Dialog Box A dialog box will appear. 1.Enter the requested information for the source—like the author name, title, and publication details— 1.If you are uncertain what to add, click in the box to the right and it will provide a “sample” of the information it is looking for 2.Before you click OK you can also ask for more information; if you have more relevant information you can add for a more complete reference 3.Then, click OK

7 Adding the Page Number

8 Afterwards The citation will appear in the document, and the source will be saved. You can quickly add another citation for the source by clicking Insert Citation and selecting the source from the drop-down menu.

9 Page Break Bibliography needs to be on separate page Create a page break by: –Hold CTRL button down –Press and release the ENTER KEY –Release the CTRL button

10 Bibliography, Works Cited… Time for the easy part! Once you've added all of your sources, you can create your bibliography in just a few clicks! Just select the Bibliography command, then choose the desired style.

11 Adding to Bib If you add more sources to your document, you can easily update your bibliography—just click it and select Update Citations and Bibliography.

12 In Class Assignment Use the file provided to create sources for your bibliography. Next, apply the citations at the end of the quotes (match source to quote) Create a separate MLA References page in the same document (pg 3)

13 Bibliography All information sequence and screen shots taken from: page-in-word page-in-word FOR MORE INFORMATION

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