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Village of Rantoul, Illinois.  Goal: Zero Buildings ◦ Zero new buildings ◦ Zero vacant buildings ◦ Zero dilapidated buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "Village of Rantoul, Illinois.  Goal: Zero Buildings ◦ Zero new buildings ◦ Zero vacant buildings ◦ Zero dilapidated buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Village of Rantoul, Illinois

2  Goal: Zero Buildings ◦ Zero new buildings ◦ Zero vacant buildings ◦ Zero dilapidated buildings

3  Objective 1: Rehab older buildings and make them more sustainable.  Strategies ◦ Provide tax breaks or other financial incentives to repair older buildings  Median Home Age: Rantoul - 45 years, U.S. – 33 years ◦ Adjust existing loan requirements to make them available to more residents who need them  Current: Rented Unit- $8,500, Owned Unit- $12,000 ◦ Educate the public on the advantages to owning/renting a sustainable dwelling. ◦ Increase penalties for building code violations.  Current: $10.00/per day

4  Objective 2: Eliminate buildings that are unusable.  Strategies ◦ Demolish buildings that have been deemed unusable by the Village of Rantoul Inspection Department. ◦ Provide grants to help create a joint lot cleanup effort between lot owner and the Rantoul government.

5  Objective 3: Provide a use for vacant but usable buildings.  Strategies ◦ Transform vacant residential housing units into affordable housing. ◦ Use zoning codes to change some abandoned residential buildings into small neighborhood retailers (Mixed-use development).  Provide tax incentives to encourage business owners to utilize these neighborhood retail lots.


7  Objective 4: Provide character or an identity for the different areas and neighborhoods of Rantoul  Strategies ◦ Add architectural styles to existing buildings in order to give each area a unique image. ◦ Utilize zoning regulations and form based codes to create distinct neighborhoods.

8  Objective 5: Rejuvenate downtown Rantoul.  Strategies ◦ Provide incentives for the auto dealerships to relocate from the downtown area to lots west of Interstate 57. ◦ Provide grants to accommodate all mixed use buildings in the downtown area.

9  Objective 6: Reduce pollutants given off from buildings  Current number of buildings with EPA pollution permits ◦ Air Pollution: 12  4 Air Major  8 Air Minor ◦ Hazardous Waste: 25  Strategies ◦ Create localized waste management facility ◦ Reduce all permits to air minor


11 Existing Conditions Maps: Aerial photo Topographic map Street map Survey GIS layer Existing Planning Documents: Zoning map and Regulation Comprehensive Plan District Plan (Air force) Historic Maps

12 Form-Based Coding Process Documenting (Existing condition) Macro Scale Neighborhood Pattern District Pattern Corridor Pattern Micro Scale (Walkable site ) Thoroughfare Type Civic Space Type Frontage Type Building Type Architectural Historic Periods of development Architecture Styles PlanningFramework Plan Regulation Plan Micro-Element Regulation AssemblingForm-Based Code & Additional Code Text

13  DownTown

14  Chanute Air Force Base

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