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Vocational Education Cooperation among Southeast Asia Countries Chanvech Boonpraderm Deputy Secretary –General Office of the Vocational Education Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocational Education Cooperation among Southeast Asia Countries Chanvech Boonpraderm Deputy Secretary –General Office of the Vocational Education Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocational Education Cooperation among Southeast Asia Countries Chanvech Boonpraderm Deputy Secretary –General Office of the Vocational Education Cooperation

2 High Official Meeting on SEA TVET

3  Office of the Vocational Education Commission  Southeast Asia MINISTER OF Education Secretary – SEAMES  British Council  SEAMEO VOCTECH

4 Objectives  To determine the Direction of TVET Development and Collaboration in SEA  To identify strategic framework and priority areas of development especially of Harmonisation and Internationalisation of TVET

5 Agree to working together :  Cooperate in the review and share the development of respective TVET National Quality Assurance and Qualification Framework referring to AQRF  Establish SEA TVET Consortium as a mechanism for oversea students and staff exchange including industrial attachment and internship  Priority industry sector  Hospitality  Electronics, Mechatronics, Manufacturing  Agriculture and Fisheries  Construction  Marine Maritime

6  Share knowledge, best practice and resources, teaching and learning system, materials, promote on line TVET portal as a platform  Mapping the priority industry sectors in cooperation with industry to narrow the gap between demand and supply  Address several components such as Green TVET, Technopreneurs, teacher education and training  Mobilise stakeholders to create strategies and share responsibilities for harmonisation of TVET

7 Future Cooperation under SEA TVET Consortium  Llandrillo Menai College and British Council  Develop the quality of teachers, teaching materials, teaching methodology

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