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WRITING BEYOND KEY STAGE TWO. Agenda Context: Key Stage Three KS3 at Kingsthorpe College Writing at KS3 Our vision for KS3.

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2 Agenda Context: Key Stage Three KS3 at Kingsthorpe College Writing at KS3 Our vision for KS3

3 Context Key Stage Three is in flux: Transition Changes at Key Stage Two Life without levels Changes at GCSE

4 ‘…the transition from primary to secondary school was poorly handled’ ‘…lack of challenge for the most able pupils’ ‘…lack of priority given to Key Stage 3’ ‘…classes were split between more than one teacher’ ‘…secondary schools did not work effectively with partner primary schools to understand pupils’ prior learning’ …Some success in schools where there were ‘well established ways of working with their partner primary schools’ ‘Key stage 3: the wasted years?’, OFSTED, September 2015 Key stage 3: the wasted years?

5 KS3 at KC Our transition: Placed into broad sets based on KS2 data Accelerated reader and Vernon spelling test Free writing Key stage three: Termly Monitoring and levels at KC Consultation before transformation Focus on redrafting: green pen assessments embedded

6 Departmental data collection School wide termly monitoring

7 KS3 at KC Our transition: Placed into broad sets based on KS2 data Accelerated reader and Vernon spelling test Free writing Key stage three: Termly Monitoring and levels at KC Consultation before transformation Focus on redrafting: green pen assessments embedded Relationships with primary schools being cultivated Take into consideration the demands of KS2 and the expectations of GCSE Move the GCSE style SOW and assessment Balance between the engagement inherently focused on at KS3 and exam skills needed for GCSE

8 Current KS3 creative writing assessment

9 GCSE B grade persuasive writing assessment

10 You are going to enter a creative writing competition. Your entry will be judged by a panel of people your own age. Write a description suggested by this picture Write the opening part of a story about a place that is severely affected by the weather. (24 marks for content and organisation, 16 marks for technical accuracy) Paper 1

11 paragraphs with integrated discourse markers


13 Expected to develop a line of argument: Homework has no value. Some students get it done for them, some don’t do it at all. Students should be relaxing in their spare time. Write for a broadsheet newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement (24 marks for content and organisation, 16 marks for technical accuracy) Paper 2

14 Essay writing to obtain reading marks How has the writer structured the text to interest you as the reader? AND A student, having read this section of the text said: “the writer brings the very different characters to life for the reader. It is as if you are inside the coach with them” To what extent do you agree?


16 Our Vision for KS3 at Kingsthorpe College We aim to create continuation between KS2 and KS3 in resources, language and priorities Assessments at KS3 will resemble those at GCSE Sample key stage three assessment material from exam boards Technical accuracy will have greater weighting in our teaching and assessments Keep the fun and avoiding an exam-factory culture?

17 Thank you

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