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Sentences. What would you like…? Can I have some…, please? I’d like some…,please. That’s my favorite. Sure, here your are.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentences. What would you like…? Can I have some…, please? I’d like some…,please. That’s my favorite. Sure, here your are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentences


3 What would you like…? Can I have some…, please? I’d like some…,please. That’s my favorite. Sure, here your are.

4 Let’s read !

5 1. come on2. hungry 3. now 4. something 5. buy6. great 7. shall8. ideas 9. I’d like10. sure

6 1. come one, I’m hungry now. 2. Let’s buy something to eat. 3. That’s great. 4. No problem. 5. What would you like? 6. What shall we buy, any ideas?

7 Show time !

8 1: Come on, I’m hungry now? 2: Let’s buy something to eat. 3: That’s great! 4: What shall we buy? Any ideas? 5: Well, let’s buy some _____ 1-4: No problem. F: What would you like…? A-E: Can I have some…, please? F: Sure, here your are A-E: Thank you!

9 Questions: Do you often eat hot dogs? often sometimes never

10 Let’s choose: 1

11 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 不是很经常,有时候而已 。 8.

12 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 请随便一些吧。 2.

13 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 我可以买一些苹果和面包吗? 1.

14 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 你想要来点什么 ? 7.

15 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 我想要吃个三明治。 3.

16 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 我们去买些薯片和汉堡吧. 4.

17 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 我们去买点什么呢? 5.

18 Choose the correct answer 1. Can I have some apples and bread? 2. Help yourself, please. 3. I’d like a sandwich. 4. Let’s buy some chips and burgers. 5. What shall we buy? 6. Do you often eat hot dogs? 7. What would you like? 8. Not often, but sometimes. ( ) 你经常吃热狗吗 6.

19 Let’s choose: 2

20 Can I have _____ apples and bread. some

21 I’d _____ a sandwich. like

22 ____ yourself, please. Help

23 ______ shall we buy? What

24 Do you ______ eat hot dogs? often

25 Let’s read !






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