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“What am I?” game  Doorbuster- “What am I?” game secret animal strip  1. Get a secret animal strip from Dr. Weast tape it to someone’s back  2. tape.

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Presentation on theme: "“What am I?” game  Doorbuster- “What am I?” game secret animal strip  1. Get a secret animal strip from Dr. Weast tape it to someone’s back  2. tape."— Presentation transcript:

1 “What am I?” game  Doorbuster- “What am I?” game secret animal strip  1. Get a secret animal strip from Dr. Weast tape it to someone’s back  2. tape it to someone’s back (be careful they do not see it!!! The words are see-through ) guess what you are  3. You will each “be” an animal- and have to guess what you are!!! ask questions Ideas: what color? What do I eat? Where do I live? How do I act  You have to guess- ask questions to find out! Ideas: what color? What do I eat? Where do I live? How do I act (the person can act it out for you too )  Ready??? - Don’t start until everyone is ready!  Stay standing everyone  Stay standing until everyone knows what they are!

2  English word meanings-  How would you translate the English word “like” in the following English sentences? (#1-#8)  Hint: think what it means in English  1. It’s not like her to be sad.  2. The police like her for the robbery/theft.  3. I like him/her.  4. Your shirt is just like mine!  5. And then she was like, “let’s go!”  6. It looks like you will be fine.  7. Your paper looks like Mark’s paper.  8. Did you “like” the comment on Facebook?

3  Which signs do you know (if any)?  Copy video and Dr. Weast

4 each person  Not written today -- instead, Doorbuster is to get supplies-#1-#2 for each person:  1. all list strips for Unit B (see side board for titles of each strip);  2. a sheet of paper for a new smush book (for Unit B)  (Glue stick per group, and scissors if needed)  Daily grade for today:  Unit B into comp. book- 25%  Smush book for Unit B filled out- 75%

5  1.Hot dog style; crease the fold  2.Fold it down one more time and crease  3.Fold it down one more time and crease  4.Open it  5.Fold hamburger style  6.Cut from the fold to mid-point (cross creased)  7.Fold hot dog style  8.Push in/smush so “mouth” opens  9.Smush together = book  10.Fold down in half, then open back to book  11. See front board for how to fill it out

6 each person  Not written today -- instead, Doorbuster is to get supplies-#1-#2 for each person:  1. all list strips for Unit 13 (see side board for titles of each strip)  2. a sheet of paper for a new smush book (for Unit 13)  (Glue stick per group, and scissors if needed)  Daily grade for today:  Unit 13 into comp. book- 25%  Smush book for Unit 13 filled out- 75%

7  1.Hot dog style; crease the fold  2.Fold it down one more time and crease  3.Fold it down one more time and crease  4.Open it  5.Fold hamburger style  6.Cut from the fold to mid-point (cross creased)  7.Fold hot dog style  8.Push in/smush so “mouth” opens  9.Smush together = book  10.Fold down in half, then open back to book  11. See front board for how to fill it out

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