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Epidemiology of the Rabies Virus

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1 Epidemiology of the Rabies Virus

2 Objectives Describe epidemiology of rabies virus
Describe transmission and pathogenesis of rabies virus Outline management of animals potentially exposed to rabies Outline management of animals that potentially expose humans to rabies

3 The Rabies Virus Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae family
Bullet-shaped, RNA virus Infects only mammals Various strains of rabies virus exist




7 Rabies Epidemiology — World
>55,000 deaths worldwide Mainly Africa and Asia 60–70% of human cases are children 5–15 years of age ~98% of human cases caused by dog bites

8 Rabies Epidemiology — United States
Human rabies deaths relatively rare 4 deaths in 2009 >90% of animal rabies cases occur in wildlife 6,690 animal rabies cases in 2009 92% wildlife animals 8% domestic animals Rabies annual prevention costs ~$300 million

9 Map of terrestrial rabies reservoirs in the United States during 2009
Map of terrestrial rabies reservoirs in the United States during Raccoon rabies virus variant is present in the eastern United States, Skunk rabies in the Central United States and California, Fox rabies in Texas, Arizona, and Alaska, and Mongoose rabies in Puerto Rico.


11 one can get Rabies from these animals
Dogs Cats Monkeys Wolves Cattle Sheep / Goats Mongoose Pigs Donkeys Horses Foxes / Jackals Elephants

12 In India Humans get Rabies Usually from
Dogs Cats 3 – 5% of Human cases Cause > 90% of the Human cases

13 In India these animals are NOT known to spread Rabies
Birds Rats Bats

14 Rabies Epidemiology — West Virginia
Most animal rabies cases occur in wildlife Cat most common domestic animal to be rabies-positive Raccoon-strain rabies endemic to eastern portion of state Bat strain found throughout state Most cases occur during warm-weather months


16 Human rabies Unusual – consciousness preserved until relatively late. Almost always fatal. In North America, there is usually no history of an animal bite.

17 Clinical symptoms Early stage (1-3days) fever(37.5-38) vomit
wound: pain, red, itching Exciting stage(1-3days) fever(39-40) hydrophobia: pharyngeal muscle cramp, dyspnea dehydration Paralytic stage(15-20hs) nerve fiber paralysis respiratory and circulatory failure death

18 Clinical forms of rabies
encephalitic ~ 80% paralytic ~ 20%

19 Encephalitic rabies prodromal symptoms
paresthesias/pain/pruritus at site of bite episodes of generalized arousal or hyperexcitability separated by lucid periods autonomic dysfunction hydrophobia Autonomic features: hypersalivation, gooseflesh, cardiac arrhythmias, and priapism in males.

20 Paralytic rabies paresthesias/pain/pruritus at site of bite
early flaccid muscle weakness often begins in bitten extremity progresses to produce quadriparesis bilateral facial weakness sensory examination is usually normal sphincter involvement fatal outcome often misdiagnosed as Guillain - Barré syndrome

21 Rabies postexposure guide:
exposure to dogs, cats, and ferrets Evaluation of Animal Recommendation Healthy and available for 10 days observation No treatment unless animal develops clinical signs of rabies Rabid or suspected rabid Immediate treatment* Consult local public health department Unknown (e.g., escaped) *Discontinue treatment if tests on animal prove negative.

22 Recommended prophylaxis in exposed individuals not previously vaccinated against rabies
Wound site(s) Immediate thorough cleansing of all wounds with soap and water. Tetanus prophylaxis; antibiotics Human Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG) 20 IU/kg body weight As much of the RIG as possible should be infiltrated in wound(s) The remainder should be given IM at a site distant from vaccine Rabies Vaccine IM (1 mL) in the deltoid area on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28 MMWR 48: RR-1, 1999

23 Rabies Vaccines Available in Canada
4/28/2017 Rabies Vaccines Available in Canada RabAvert® Imovax ® Manufacturer Cell culture Common designation Novartis (Merck Frosst) primary chick embryo fibroblasts PCECV Sanofi Pasteur MRC-5 human lung cell line HDCV SLIDE 42 RABIES VACCINES AVAILABLE IN THE US Three rabies vaccines are available in the US: RabAvert®, produced by Chiron; Imovax®, produced by Pasteur Mérieux Connaught; and Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed (RVA), produced by BioPort. One of the several features that distinguishes these vaccines from one another is the cell culture method used to produce the vaccine viruses. RabAvert® is produced in primary cultures of chick embryo fibroblasts; Imovax® is produced in an MRC-5 human diploid cell line; and Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed virus is produced in the FRhL-2 cell line developed from fetal rhesus lung cells. The final method of purification also distinguishes these vaccines: RabAvert is purified by continuous zonal ultracentrifugation over a sucrose gradient; Imovax is purified by ultrafiltration; and RVA is purified by centrifugation and concentrated by adsorption onto aluminum adjuvant. MMWR;48:RR-1, January 8, 1999 Product package inserts, 2006

24 Populations at increased risk of exposure to rabies
Rabies research laboratory workers Veterinarians, staff, veterinary students Animal control and wildlife workers Bat handlers Spelunkers Travellers to certain rabies-endemic areas MMWR 48: (RR-1), 1999

25 Assessing the Rabies Risk for Travelers
4/28/2017 Assessing the Rabies Risk for Travelers Destination Duration of travel Anticipated activities Access to medical care and appropriate PEP biologics SLIDE 46 ASSESSING THE RABIES RISK FOR TRAVELERS International travelers might be candidates for preexposure rabies vaccination if they are likely to come in contact with animals in areas where dog rabies is enzootic and immediate access to appropriate medical care, including appropriate rabies post-exposure prophylaxis biologics, might be limited. Assessing this is an important component of the pre-travel interview.

26 Preexposure rabies prophylaxis
3 doses of rabies vaccine (days 0, 7, and 21 or 28) May check rabies antibody titre periodically – want >0.5 IU/mL after a rabies exposure: 2 doses of IM rabies vaccine (days 0 and 3) no HRIG

27 Pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis
Tissue culture vaccine: 1 dose IM or 0.1 ml ID Day If CHLOROQUINE malaria prophylaxis, give IM only If immunosuppressed check neut. Antibody titre ≥ 0.5 IU/ml HIV positive patients - CD4 counts <300 may be unresponsive Modified from MJ Warrell, University of Oxford

28 Photo courtesy of Claudius Malerczyk (Novartis)
0.5 cc U-100 insulin syringe fitted with a 28 gauge needle Photo courtesy of Claudius Malerczyk (Novartis)

29 Rabies Transmission Saliva from bite of infected animal Scratch
Theoretical risk Saliva or neural tissue contact with mucous membrane (mouth, nose) Saliva or neural tissue introduced into fresh, open wound* The top of this slide lists the transmission routes that should be considered exposures. Rabies is spread through saliva or CNS tissue from an infected animal and is most commonly transmitted through bite exposures. Scratches are another potential exposure. Also, if infectious saliva or CNS tissue has contact with mucous membranes or a fresh, open wound this would also be considered an exposure. A fresh, open wound which is a wound that has bled in the past 24 hours. Other possible but rare transmission routes include aerosol transmission and corneal and organ transplantation from an infected donor. * Fresh, open wound is defined as wound that has bled in past 24 hours

30 Rabies Pathogenesis Virus introduced through bite wound, open skin wound, or mucous membrane Travels along nerves from site of bite to brain Virus multiplies in brain leading to inflammation Virus moves from brain to salivary glands and saliva where virus is shed

31 Rabies Pathogenesis Virus introduced through bite wound, open skin wound, or mucous membrane Travels along nerves from site of bite to brain Virus multiplies in brain leading to inflammation Virus moves from brain to salivary glands and saliva where virus is shed

32 Rabies Incubation Period
Time between bite and appearance of symptoms Weeks to months No risk of rabies transmission from infected animal during incubation period Used to establish confinement periods for animals exposed to potentially rabid animals

33 Rabies Diagnosis Animal diagnosis Post-mortem testing
Direct Fluorescent Antibody (DFA) test Antigen of virus in brain tissue Human diagnosis Several tests required for ante-mortem diagnosis Saliva, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, hair follicle from nape of neck

34 Rabies Treatment and Prevention in Humans
No effective treatment once clinical signs appear Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) given before onset of symptoms is nearly 100% effective Rabies PEP Wound cleansing Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) Rabies Vaccination No time limit to give PEP

35 Rabies PEP — Wound Cleansing
Should occur as quickly as possible after wound received Soap and water or povidone-iodine

36 Rabies PEP — RIG Given only once with first vaccine dose
If not given with first vaccine dose, can be given up to 7 days after first vaccine dose received If person has previously received PEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis, RIG should not be given

37 Rabies PEP — Vaccination
Previously unvaccinated persons get 4 doses Days 0, 3, 7, and 14 5th dose dropped from vaccine schedule Intramuscular injections Previously vaccinated persons get 2 doses Days 0 and 3 No RIG given

38 Rabies Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
Recommended for certain high-risk groups Veterinarians, wildlife biologists, animal control personnel 3 vaccine doses Days 0, 7, and 21 or 28 Does not eliminate need for medical care after an exposure

39 Rabies Treatment and Prevention in Animals
No treatment for animal rabies No post-exposure prophylaxis for animals Routine vaccination is the only way to prevent animal rabies Vaccination schedule for dogs and cats First vaccine at 3 months of age Booster vaccine 1 year later Vaccinate every 3 years after this

40 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Vaccinated cats, dogs, ferrets Rabies booster immediately 45 day observation Under owner’s control Any sign of illness should be reported and animal evaluated by a veterinarian

41 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Unvaccinated dogs, cats, ferrets Euthanasia Strict isolation for 6 months Confinement in an enclosure that precludes direct contact with people or other animals Rabies vaccine upon entry or 1 month prior to release Any sign of illness should be reported and animal evaluated by a veterinarian

42 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Expired vaccinations in dogs, cats, ferrets Evaluated on a case-by-case basis Information to consider Severity of exposure Time lapsed between vaccinations Number of previous vaccinations Current health status Rabies epidemiology

43 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Vaccinated livestock Rabies booster vaccine immediately 45 day observation Multiple rabid animals in a single herd is unusual Restriction of entire herd usually not necessary Coordinate with WV Dept. of Agriculture

44 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Unvaccinated livestock Euthanasia Confined under close observation for 6 months Any signs of illness should be reported and animal euthanized and tested for rabies Vaccination during confinement can be done Coordinate with WV Dept. of Agriculture

45 Management of Animals Potentially Exposed to Rabies
Other animals Consider on case by case basis Euthanasia generally recommended

46 Management of Animals that Potentially Expose Humans
Dogs, Cats, Ferrets Owned animals should be observed for 10 days Rabies vaccination not recommended during this time Strays should be euthanized and tested 10 day quarantine can be done if resources allow If not available for testing, PEP should be considered based on rabies epidemiology of area, bite circumstances, etc.

47 Management of Animals that Potentially Expose Humans
Exotic mammalian pets No established rabies observation period for animals except dogs, cats, ferrets Consider on case-by-case basis Information to consider Type of animal Rabies epidemiology of area Bite circumstances

48 Management of Animals that Potentially Expose Humans
Livestock Not high risk for transmitting rabies Healthy and available animals can be observed for 14 days Unknown shedding period of rabies virus in saliva Euthanasia and testing is other option Coordinate with WV Dept of Agriculture

49 Management of Animals that Potentially Expose Humans
Wildlife If available, euthanize and test immediately If unavailable, PEP should be considered based on Type of animal Rabies epidemiology of area Bite circumstances

50 Management of Animals that Potentially Expose Humans
Small mammals are considered low risk for rabies Not been found to cause human rabies in US PEP not usually recommended for these exposures unless animal was sick and rabies activity is high in the area Groundhogs/woodchucks may pose greater risk Special consideration for bats

51 Rabies Resources ACIP recommendations
Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2008 WV Rabies Surveillance, Management, and Control Manual (DC-4)

52 Rabies Summary Human rabies rare in US and WV
Most rabies cases occur in wildlife in US and WV Transmission occurs through introduction of infectious saliva or neural tissue into the body Human prevention based on rabies PEP Animal prevention based on rabies vaccination

53 Animal Management Summary
Management of animals potentially exposed to rabies depends on vaccination status and type of animal exposed Management of animals that expose humans to rabies depends on type of animal, ownership status of animal, and other factors

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