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Digestive System. 6 Types of Nutrients 1.Title the next page in your toolkit “6 Types of Nutrients” 2.Make a small copy of the key to the right in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System. 6 Types of Nutrients 1.Title the next page in your toolkit “6 Types of Nutrients” 2.Make a small copy of the key to the right in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System

2 6 Types of Nutrients 1.Title the next page in your toolkit “6 Types of Nutrients” 2.Make a small copy of the key to the right in the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER of this page. *Be sure to make the circles the appropriate size!! 3.Use the appropriate colored pencils or make up your own colors to color in the circles Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen

3 6 Types of Nutrient Flipper Layer each color in order (red on bottom), fold an anchor and glue: Proteins (red) Carbohydrates (gold) Fats/Lipids (yellow) Vitamins (green) Minerals (white) Water (blue) Food Glorious Food (purple cover)

4 6 Types of Nutrients STRUCTURE (What it is) FUNCTION (What it does) 1.Proteins 2.Carbohydrates 3.Fats /Lipids (Fats/Lipids) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. used mostly for structure of cells 2. enzymes 3. antibodies 4. used for energy as a last resort! Draw picture of meats, eggs, nuts and glue in amino acids and protein molecules. Draw a picture of grains, fiber, starches, fruits, veggies and glue in sugar and starch molecules. 1. number one source of energy 2. fiber helps move food through the digestive system 3. last resort structure of cells! Draw a picture of a Fats-oils, nuts, butter and glue in saturated fat, unsaturated fat and cholesterol molecules. 1. insulation is the most important 2. then padding 3. source of energy 4. transports vitamins 5. produces hormones

5 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water 7. Cover __________________________________________________ Draw a picture of fruits and veggies and diagram of Vitamin A molecule. 1. Prevent illness 2. Help with body processes *Water-Soluble dissolve in water, get used or extra peed out. *Fat-Soluble- dissolve in fat, and are stored in fat in body. Draw a picture of dairy products, red meats, salt and diagram of calcium. 1. strong bones 2. blood needs iron 3. help with hormones Draw a picture of water and glue in water molecule. 1. Helps maintain body temperature 2. it helps dissolve things 3. makes up part of blood and other tissues 4. and needed for chemical reaction. Title “Food Glorious Food” Eating FOODS brings NUTRIENTS into the body. Each NUTRIENT then PROVIDES SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS in the body.

6 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Mechanical Digestion Chemical Digestion ___________________________________ Digestion Essential Vocab Physically breaking down food into smaller parts Chemically breaking down food into its basic nutrient form with enzymes.

7 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Enzymes Peristalsis Sphincter ___________________________________ Proteins made by the body to control chemical reactions, including the breakdown of food into it’s basic nutrients. Wave of muscle contractions causing food to move through food tube Ringed shaped muscle tissue which open to allow substances to move from one place to another

8 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Villi Diffusion ___________________________________ Finger shaped structures that cover the inside of the small intestines, that make more surface area for nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream The process where molecules move so there are equal amounts on both sides. *Movement of molecules from a HIGH concentration to LOW concentration *Osmosis-same process only with water.

9 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Significant People in History Alexis St. Martin- -Wounded by accidental shooting. -Wound healed in a way that there was a hole directly to his stomach. -Many experiments performed on him by Dr. William Beaumont. Dr. William Beaumont- -Treated Alexis St. Martin. -Conducted experiments on Alexis St. Martin. -Discovered many important functions of the human digestive system.

10 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Teeth Mouth Tongue Salivary Glands Saliva __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Digestive System Organs Tear and grind food physically breaking it down Place where food enters the digestive system, both mechanical and chemical breakdown of food happens-this is where digestion begins! Moves food around in mouth and helps with swallowing. Makes and secretes* saliva. 1.Moistens food 2.Starts to chemically break down carbohydrates.

11 Various Structures of Teeth Lost filling, tooth before root canal After root canal, replaced filling,

12 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Pharynx Epiglottis Esophagus Stomach __________________________________________________ Passage or tunnel that both food and air pass through Flap of tissue that closes when you swallow to keep food from getting into part of the respiratory system. Tube that food travel through to get from the pharynx to the stomach-NO digestion happens here! DEMONSTRATE PERISTALSIS 1.Acts like a churn (mechanical digestion) 2.Acid in the stomach breaks down food chemically (**mucus-a slippery coating lines the stomach so acid does not damage the organ) 3. PEPSIN (an enzyme) breaks down proteins 4. Food is stored in the stomach until it is released into the small intestines.

13 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Liver Bile Gall Bladder Pancreas Insulin Small Intestines _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 1. Where MOST DIGESTION occurs 2. Where the ABSORPTION OF NUTRIENTS takes place through VILLI Enzyme which breaks down sugar Makes INSULIN, which gets secreted into the small intestines Stores the BILE then secretes it into the small intestines Enzyme that breaks down fats, chemically Makes BILE

14 STRUCTURE (shape) FUNCTION (job) Large Intestines Appendix Rectum Anus Feces _________________________________________ Solid Waste-all the “left overs” from body includes fiber or cellulose. Anus is a sphincter muscle that allows solid waste to come out of the body Location for solid waste to collect and be stored until expelled Organ that serves no purpose, and is at the front end of the large intestine 1. Location for ABSORPTION OF WATER 2. SOLID WASTE is formed 3. Bacteria help process some vitamins like K and D

15 (**mucus-a slippery coating lines the stomach so acid does not damage the organ)

16 How do nutrients get to my cells anyway? (Back of Digestion and Food Tube) Nutrients diffuse into the blood stream through the VILLI in the small intestines and are delivered to all parts of the body through BLOOD. Draw a diagram here!

17 Function of Digestive System To break down food small enough for cells to use. Digestive System

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