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CEO’s UPDATE PRESENTATION June 2016. Table of Content 1.BUSA Updates 2.NDT Updates 3.DHA Updates.

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2 Table of Content 1.BUSA Updates 2.NDT Updates 3.DHA Updates

3 1. BUSA UPDATES  SOCPOL & ECONPOL -TBCSA is continuing to leverage its membership with BUSA by participating in both Economic Policy (EconPol) committee meeting and Social and Transformation Policy (SocPol) committee meetings during the current period under review. -BUSA through the Labour Court challenged the decision to reduce the mandatory grant to 20% and to permit the sweep of unspent SETA funds to the National Skills Fund last year. -BUSA won case against Minister of Higher Education regarding Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) Grant Regulations. -Judgement was handed down by the Labour Court in the litigation brought by BUSA to change certain aspects of the 2012 SETA grant regulations. -In its judgement, the court declared Regulations 3(11) and 4(4) of the 2012 Grant Regulations to be invalid, and set them aside.

4 Conti…  BUSA/DOT Working Committee – with Minister Dipou Peter’s -Issues of concerns were raised regarding the Single Transport Economic Regulator, National Transport Master Plan, Road Accident Fund Scheme, Rail policy, PORT Tariffs, AARTO Act and some of the regulatory challenges. -The role of the private sector in the Transport & Logistics Sector. -The establishment of a working relationship between DoT and BUSA. -A synopsis of the NATMAP was presented to Cabinet in 2013. In 2015, a review of the NATMAP was started. Long-term priority interventions are being developed and DoT intends to submit to Cabinet soon. -A review of current Rail Policy was started in 2009, with the intention of consolidating rail policy. -The Minister underlined the lack of resources available to DoT to address transport backlogs and investment in infrastructure generally. -TBCSA forms part of the transport working committee.

5 Conti…  BUSA Mandating engagements: -TBCSA participated on NEDLAC processes regarding the proposal by the Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Rights Commission on amending Public Holiday Act. This process did not continue as the CRL Rights Commission was refered to conducts the SEIAS first. -TBCSA participated on BUSA mandating process regarding Labour relations stability and Wage inequality & minimum wage. Labour Relations Stability Mandate: - To pursue a Code of Good Practice on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Action. - To pursue the development of an Accord that binds all Nedlac parties to the Code. - To pursue the agreement of social partners to expedited criminal and disciplinary processes in the event of violent strikes. - To pursue provisions compelling unions to hold secret strike ballots, and further explore making this a prerequisite for a protected strike provided that this is constitutional.

6 Conti… Wage Inequality & Minimum Wage Mandate: -, to determine the job impact, impact on collective bargaining To hold the position of a monthly minimum wage of R1800 in negotiations given the severe adverse effects this would have on affordability, employment, investment and the economy. - To require that any wage level be stress tested by the ECC, or a similarly credible body with business representation and impact on businesses of all sizes and sectors of future minimum wage levels.

7 2. NDT UPDATES  Minister’s Initiatives to boast economy: -5 Work Streams initiated -TBCSA convenes Inclusive Growth/Transformation Work Stream -Work Stream Submitted Reports & Recommendations for Short term implementation. -Minister’s update meetings currently taking place.  Tourism Statistics Committee Meeting: -The minister is setting up a panel of statistics advisory panel. -The Tourism Stats committee will table all stats and data related issues. -TBCSA and other stakeholders should submit definitions they use if they are different from UNWTO definitions. i.e. Definitions of a tourist, visitor. -The private sector should outline what information do they want to be collected.

8 Conti…  Operation Phakisa: Coastal and Marine Tourism Lab -The Oceans Economy Operation Phakisa: Coastal and Marine Tourism lab was concluded on the 13 May 2016 at a function held in Velmore Estate Hotel. -A 5 weeks lab, which concentrated on developing a detailed implementation plans to unlock the full potential of the coastal and marine tourism. -This lab methodology was jointly hosted by Department of Tourism and Department of Environmental Affairs. -The sign off session was comprised of three detailed high level presentation from different lab work streams which included Wildlife lab, Bioprospecting Lab and Coastal & Marine Tourism lab. -A detailed report/plan is still been refined and concluded by the team and will be circulated once completed.

9 Conti…  THRD Strategy: -TBCSA have been participating as a key stakeholder in crafting the THRD strategy. -During the Project Steering Committee (PSC) held on the 08th of April 2016 the Human Science Research Council (HSRC) presented the preliminary report on the literature review for the THRD strategy. -The full draft report for the strategy will be available by the 30th of May 2016 and will be circulated to the members. -We are anticipating that the full report will be forwarded to us to circulate to our members as per the agreed timelines.

10 3. DHA UPDATES Progress on measures prioritised for the immediate phase [01/11/2015 – 31/01/2016]:  Introduction of biometric facilities: The development of a biometric capacity and its testing at ORTIA, Lanseria Airport, CTIA and KSIA has been successfully completed and the system is now being implemented.  Accredited Tourism Company Programme:  Chinese Market Given that the Chinese tourism sector is highly regulated, tourism operators are already accredited by Government in that country. This allows accredited Chinese tour operators to apply on behalf of such travellers on condition that the biometric date for the traveller will be undertaken on arrival and on departure from South Africa.

11 Conti…  India and the Russian Market. The Department of Tourism is undertaking research in relation to the accreditation of service providers in India and Russia. This therefore means the finalisation of the ATC for these markets will be delayed until further notice.  Issuance of long-term multiple entry visitor’s visa: - The issuance of long-term multiple entry visitor’s visas for a period exceeding 3 months and up to 3 years has already been implemented.  Furthermore, a 10-year visa waiver for business executives from BRICS countries has also been in existence since December 2014. This directive has been extended to bona fide business and academics from African countries.

12 Conti…  Travel requirements for minors: -School and sports tours: DHA has developed a standardised template for school principals to complete, which is available for download on the Department’s website. -Parental Consent Affidavit: The Parental Consent Affidavit has been extended from 4 to 6 months. -Issuance of a strong advisory: this applies in the case of travellers accompanied by minors from countries which are visa- exempt to ensure compliance with the Unabridged Birth Certificate-related directives. Unfortunately, this remains a grey area and an area of concern. We are informed that after consultations it was determined that the best way to give legal forces to this advisory would be to amend the Immigrations Regulations. DHA is working jointly with NDT to ensure that the regulations are amended accordingly.

13 Conti… Focus areas for the short term (3 months -1 year) to 31 October 2016. The Department has highlighted the following as key focus areas for the period ending 31 October 2016:  Addition of visa facilitation centres, including in Zimbabwe, UAE and Botswana;  Consideration of a visa-waiver for India, China, Russia and other countries;  Look at issuing visas on arrival for persons travelling to SA having in their passports valid visas fro the UK, USA and Canada or any other country that applies stringent checks on visitors to their countries;  Open two Business Visa Facilitation Centres in Durban and Port Elizabeth  Print parent’s details in the passports of South African minors so that they do not have to carry birth certificates. End…

14 Thank You

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