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-Jane swimming playing football playing ping pong jumping drawing pictures fishing running playing chess watering the flowers singing making kites listening.

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Presentation on theme: "-Jane swimming playing football playing ping pong jumping drawing pictures fishing running playing chess watering the flowers singing making kites listening."— Presentation transcript:


2 -Jane

3 swimming playing football playing ping pong jumping drawing pictures fishing running playing chess watering the flowers singing making kites listening to music cooking watching TV flying a kite sleeping eating bananas playing the piano … … … A: What’s your hobby? B: I like …What about you? A: I like…

4 playing football playing ping pong jumping drawing pictures fishing playing chess singing listening to music cooking watching TV … 直接 + ing 去 e + ing 双写 + ing making kites skating riding a bike making cakes diving writing e-mails having a picnic … running swimming … I like ________.

5 What’s your hobby? Diving, diving. I like diving. What’s your hobby? Riding a bike, riding a bike. I like riding a bike. What’s his hobby? Collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps. What’s her hobby? Making kites, making kites. She likes making kites.

6 I’m Mommy Kangaroo. I like____________. I live in ______. Australia jumping

7 I’m Mickey Mouse. I live in _________. I like ___________. America watching TV

8 I’m Wukong. I live in _________. I like ___________. China eating peach

9 Dear Jane, ________________________ Your new friend, Mickey This is Mickey. She is an American girl. She is a university student now. She is tall and pretty. She likes swimming, reading, and playing the piano. This is a letter she wrote to me. She is my pen pal. I’m her pen pal. Pen pal=Pen friend


11 Who are they? What are their hobbies? I’m Ann. I like drawing pictures and making kites. I like art. I’m Alice. I like swimming, diving, and riding bike. I like sports. They are twin sisters. They look the same, but they don’t like the same things.

12 1)Alice lives in Australia. ( ) 2) Alice likes swimming,drawing,and riding her bike. ( ) 3) Ann likes drawing and playing the vilion. ( ) 4)Alice and Ann are twins. They like the same things too. ( )

13 1)Alice lives in Australia. ( ) 2) Alice likes swimming,drawing,and riding her bike. ( ) 3) Ann likes drawing and playing the vilion. ( ) 4)Alice and Ann are twins. They like the same things too. ( ) √ × × ×

14 To (收信方) : From (写信方) Send out Liu Yun got the letter.She also wrote a letter.

15 Read the second e-mail quickly with these 3 questions: 1.What is Liu Yun’s hobby? She likes playing the violin and writing the emails. 2.What is her mother’s hobby? She likes swimming. 3.What’s her father’s hobby? He likes listening to music.

16 I’m Liu Yun.I live in ______. I like_________. My mother is a ________. She likes _______. My father is a ______. He likes __________. I love my family.

17 Read these 2 e-mails carefully, Then finish the blank filling. Alice lives in.Her pen pal is. Liu Yun lives in.Liu Yun’s mom is a.she likes swimming. Her dad is a reporter. He likes listening to music. Liu Yun likes and.

18 I’m ____.I live in ______. I like_________. My sister/brother likes________. My mother is a /an________. She likes _______. My father is a /an______. He likes __________. … Come and meet my family! Jane Wenzhou travelling Playing basketball houswife watching TV boss playing sports

19 I’m ____.I live in ______. I like_________. My sister/brother likes________. My mother is a /an________. She likes _______. My father is a /an______. He likes __________. … Words box familyfather,mother,sister,a unt,uncle,brother… placeChina,Japen,Australi a,Canada,Shanghai, Beijing, Wenzhou… jobteacher,doctor,TV reporter( 电视台记 者),singer,( 歌手) driver,nurse,farmer… hobbyplaying chess,making kites,diving,cooking,r unning,swimming,taki ng pictures,lisening to music,riding a bike…

20 1.Write an e-mail to me. 2.Finish the excercies. (p48) 3.Listen to the tape p47 p48 twice. Homework


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