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The Circulatory System: Blood Types Human Bio 11.

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1 The Circulatory System: Blood Types Human Bio 11

2 ABO Blood Group Humans have the ABO blood group. There are four types in this group: ◦A◦A ◦B◦B ◦ AB ◦ O

3 ABO Blood Group The ABO Blood Group Up to 4:15.

4 ABO Blood Group Determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the red blood cells. Antigens: ◦ Gives red blood cells specific characteristics (markers).

5 Blood Types Type A Blood: ◦ has A antigens Type B Blood: ◦ has B antigens Type AB Blood: ◦ has both antigens Type O Blood: ◦ has neither antigens

6 ABO Blood Group The antibodies found in the plasma are always opposite to the antigen. Antibodies: ◦ Fight off foreign antigens.

7 Blood Types Type A Blood: ◦ has B antibodies Type B Blood: ◦ has A antibodies Type AB Blood: ◦ has no antibodies Type O Blood: ◦ has both antibodies


9 Type of BloodAntigens Present Antibodies Present A B AB O AB A and B none A A and B none B

10 Something to Think About... Donating and Receiving Blood. Universal Donor: ◦ Type O Universal Receiver: ◦ Type AB

11 Something to Think About... Donating Blood Canadian Blood Services

12 Rh Factors Rh Factor: ◦ Another antigen that can be found on red blood cells. If present: ◦ Blood type is Rh positive (Rh +)  85% of people If not present: ◦ Blood type is Rh negative (Rh -)

13 Blood Types The Rh factor is connected to your blood type. ◦ A+ or A- ◦ B+ or B- ◦ AB+ or AB- ◦ O+ or O-

14 Something to Think About... Blood Types in Canada

15 Something to Think About... It is particularly important that expectant mothers know their blood’s Rh factor. If the mother’s is opposite to the baby’s the mother’s blood may attack or reject the baby’s blood. This puts the baby’s life in danger.

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