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Carbon Neutrality – A Competitive Advantage International Congress ‘Environmental and Energy Principles of the Sustainable Development’ Sofia, May 7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Neutrality – A Competitive Advantage International Congress ‘Environmental and Energy Principles of the Sustainable Development’ Sofia, May 7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Neutrality – A Competitive Advantage International Congress ‘Environmental and Energy Principles of the Sustainable Development’ Sofia, May 7, 2012

2 Main goals of the EBC: Support the development of economic co-operation between and within OSCE-countries; Promote the economic development in OSCE- countries; Promote a sustainable dialogue between politics and private business.

3 Climate change

4 Conditions for Efficient Sustainable Development Policy

5 Carbon Neutrality – Achieving zero net greenhouse gas emissions. СО 2 Optimizing Carbon Footprint – Winning Tacties for Companies Carbon Footprint – represents the total greenhouse gas emissions, caused by an organization, activity, event, product or a person.

6 The project: EBC – A Carbon Neutral Organization СО 2 Main activities: Development of Methodology for carbon footprint calculation; Preparation of an Inventory of the greenhouse gas emissions resulted from the activities involving arrangements and holding of the Annual General Meeting of the organization; Implementation by the participating companies of voluntary actions for reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions (projects and good practices); Neutralization of the carbon footprint by implementation of afforestation campaigns in Germany, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Bulgaria; Preparation of wide-scope Guidelines for carbon footprint calculation of an organization, event or a product; Distribution of the Guidelines.

7 EBC – A Carbon Neutral Organization Методология Good practices IPCC GP Guidance EBC members Guidelines and Data sources CORINAIR 2007 Guidelines IPCC 2006 Guidelines Environmental Reporting Guidelines (GHG Protocol) Guidelines for GHG company reporting (UK DEFRA/DECC) et al. Standards ISO 14064-1:2006 ISO 14064-2:2006 PAS 2050 GHG Protocol Methodology The project is managed by Overgas Consultants: Mr. A. Ishkov and Mr. V. Grachev Co-ordinator: Mr. Detlef Wessling Project organization

8 EBC – A Carbon Neutral Organization The Methodology is based on the following principles: Relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy and transparency of the data used and the calculations; Accounting of both direct and indirect emissions; Setting the boundaries to cover all GHG emission sources influenced or controlled by the activity/event; Establishing clear criteria for including a GHG source in the calculation boundaries; Use of appropriate set of standardized emission factors covering where possible the local peculiarities (e.g. fuel mix for electricity production) and covering not only the direct and indirect emissions of carbon dioxide, but also the other greenhouse gases; In case of lack of sufficient data about some of the GHG sources, more conservative values and an appropriate confidence interval.

9 Implementation of measures and projects leading to direct greenhouse gas emission reductions within the organization Implementation of measures and projects leading to greenhouse gas emission reductions outside the organization Buying Verified Emission Reductions Neutralizng Carbon Footprint

10 Gasification – sustainable and efficient means for greenhouse gas reduction CO 2 emissions for 1 MWh energy, kg

11 Afforestation – a sustainable and efficient way of GHG reduction

12 433,3 tСО 2 е EBC – A Carbon Neutral Organization 536,9 tCO 2 e

13 18.9 tСО 2 е International Congress – Sofia, May 7 26.2 tCO 2 e

14 We kindly invite you to follow us in the Carbon Footprint Neutralization! Thank you for your attention! Stela Blagova, Overgas Inc.

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