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Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration May 31, 2013 / 2:00 pm ET Webinar Date: May 31, 2013 / 2:00.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration May 31, 2013 / 2:00 pm ET Webinar Date: May 31, 2013 / 2:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration May 31, 2013 / 2:00 pm ET Webinar Date: May 31, 2013 / 2:00 pm ET Presented by: Sarah Sunderlin U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

2 2# Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen

3 Moderator: Megan Baird Presenters: Sarah Sunderlin & Ayreen Calimquim 3# Adventures in H-1B Performance Reporting H-1B Super Team Members: Melissa Smith, Wendy Havenstrite, Stuart Werner, Andrea Hill, Carissa Fana-Ortiz AND your Federal Project Officer!

4 4# Adventures in H-1B Performance Reporting  A Silent Prezi on Preparing for HUB  HUB System Preview and Tutorial

5 Are you READY for HUB? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): Yes! We are tracking participant records and preparing data files. Yes! We have prepared our data files for each quarter AND we are ready to upload data files and narrative reports to HUB. Yes! We have reviewed the online Prezi, “H-1B Performance Reporting: Getting Ready for HUB” All of the Above 5#

6 6 # Part 1: HUB Preview  Preview the Performance Reporting System HUB.  Learn about the features and functionalities of HUB. Part 2: Performance Reporting Q & A  Any questions? We have answers!

7 Participants will: Gain a better understanding of their role and preparation in using HUB. Gain a better understanding of the process to upload data files, check for errors, and correct errors. Gain a better understanding of the process to upload narrative reports. 7# Participants will learn: Role and preparation for using HUB. Process to upload data files, validation checks and sample error reports. Process to upload narrative reports. Certifying and submitting quarterly reports

8 HUB Release Overview  HUB Development Background  HUB Roll-Out to H-1B Grantees HUB Release Overview Cohort One: Jobs Accelerator (JA) Round I Grantees Cohort Two: Technical Skills Training Round I Grantees Cohort Three: Technical Skills Training Round II Grantees Cohort Four: JA Advanced Manufacturing Grantees Starting in June 2013 Coming Up Next: Pop Quiz!

9 My reporting cohort is… Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): Cohort One Cohort Two Cohort Three Cohort Four 9#

10 I was a part of the first cohort to upload a file into HUB and the process was….. Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): Seamless Difficulties with obtaining a password to access HUB We had errors that were easily resolved A steep learning curve but we are well on our way! 10#

11 ActionStaff Role Access to HUB Pin/Password Certifying Quarterly Performance Reports Authorized Representative Yes– Pin & Password Upload data files and Narrative reports into HUB Authorized Representative Yes – Pin & Password Program Director or Manager, Case Manager Yes – Password Data Managers, IT StaffYes – Password Collect Participant Data Onsite TrainersNo EmployersNo Sub contractors/granteesNo

12 Where’s my Grant Pin and Password?  Issued to the grant Authorized Representative Tips to Access Pin and Password  Coordinate with Authorized Representative to obtain your password to access HUB  Check your spam or junk folders for mail from: HUB Coming Up Next: Pop Quiz!

13 How do I use the HUB Pin and Password? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): The PIN is used for Submitting & Certifying Reports The Password is used for Uploading Data Files & Narrative Reports The Password is used to Certify Reports All of the Above 13#

14 14# Share one of your biggest concerns around data collection before HUB goes live. H-1B Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunity

15 Coming Up Next! HUB Preview & Tutorial #15 Link to HUB / /

16 Link to HUB / /

17 TIP: Ensure you select the correct reporting quarter. If you are unsure which reporting quarter is current, please refer to the Reporting Handbook JA Grantees: Check your Grant number is correct and starts with JA-xxxx TST Grantees: Check your Grant number is correct and starts with HG-xxxx



20 Two levels of Data File Validation Checks Format Check and Format Errors Report These are errors related to the Code Values of each Data Element  Data file format, incorrect number of data element columns, wrong field data, invalidated zip files, duplicated data, etc. Edit Check and Edit Check Error Report These are errors related to the Edit Check Logic for each Data Element




24 ERROR = All values for Type of Training Service were entered as 0 ISSUE = 0 is not a valid value for this data element CORRECTION = If no training occurred, enter BLANK not 0

25 ERROR = 0 was the entered value ISSUE = 0 is not a valid value if no training date was entered for this participant CORRECTION = If no training occurred, enter BLANK not 0




29 29# What are three BEST PRACTICES around participant data collection and/or creating data files that you would like to share with your peers? H-1B Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunity Discussion items to consider: Intake forms, MIS Database, Process coordination with training partners to gather and track participant information

30 Two types of Narrative upload processes TST Grantees - Will INPUT (or cut & paste) narrative reports using text file boxes. JA Grantees – Will UPLOAD their IWP/QNR file using an upload function.


32 #32 TST Narrative File Input (continued)




36 36# Now that you’ve previewed HUB, share a thought about what you liked! H-1B Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunity

37 Now you’re familiar with HUB, what next? –Begin uploading files retroactively. What does that mean? – next slide

38 HUB - Preparing Data Files Upload data files retroactively, starting at the first quarterly reporting period TST Round 1: Sept. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 TST Round 2: April 1 – June 30, 2012 JA Round 1: Sept. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 JA Adv. Manufacturing Round 2: Sept. 1 – Dec. 31, 2012 Coming Up Next: Pop Quiz!

39 Who certifies our quarterly reports? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): Data ManagerAuthorized RepresentativeProgram DirectorAll of the Above 39#

40 HUB Performance Reporting Technical Assistance  HUB Office Hours (non-technical Q & A)  Two-week period, daily at 12:00 pm EST  One-on-One Conference Calls  To schedule a call, send an email to your FPO and the appropriate grant-specific mailboxes: TST Grantees: JA Grantees:  TA Resources in the H-1B Community of Practice

41 41# What is your program’s biggest challenge in Performance Reporting? H-1B Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunity

42 42# Identify at least one BEST PRACTICE you have used to resolve a performance reporting challenge? H-1B Peer-to-Peer Learning Opportunity

43 This preview of HUB helped our team… Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): Know what to do nextGenerate a sigh of relief….HUB is so simple!Note more questions Figure out our gaps All of the above 43#

44 44# H-1B Performance Reporting Question & Answer Period

45 Technical Skills Training 45 # Jobs Accelerator Your Federal Project Officer

46 H-1B Community of Practice 46# es/resources.aspx?pparams=1001209351771989496 Your One-Stop Resource For All Things H-1B!

47 47# HUB H-1B Performance Reporting Webinar: HUB Preview and Tutorial Registration Page H-1B Reporting Handbook V3.1 OMB #1205-0507 H-1B Data Elements and Edit Checks – January 2013 Tip-Sheet: Performance Quick Start Guide Tip-Sheet: Data Files and Records HUB System Sample Data Files

48 48# Thank You!

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