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Impact Of Online Advertising On Consumer Behaviour By Thatipalli Sagar 10cqcma108 Under The Guidance Of Dr. Maruthi Ram. R.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact Of Online Advertising On Consumer Behaviour By Thatipalli Sagar 10cqcma108 Under The Guidance Of Dr. Maruthi Ram. R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact Of Online Advertising On Consumer Behaviour By Thatipalli Sagar 10cqcma108 Under The Guidance Of Dr. Maruthi Ram. R

2 INTRODUCTION Advertising is bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential and current customers. Advertising is focused on one particular product or service. Online Advertising is similar to other forms of communication except for one critical difference i.e. INTERNET. Consumer behavior follows a model radically different from traditional advertising media. This model can be explained as the progression ‘AWARENESS- INTEREST-DESIRE-ACTION’. All these activities occur simultaneously in online advertising.

3 Research design Statement of the problem Inspite of these the question arise whether the online advertisement is effective in influencing the potential buyers in Modern era. Objective of the study To study and understand the importance of online advertising. To study which type of online advertising is preferred by consumers. To ascertain the effectiveness of online advertising on consumers behavior in India.

4 Methodology Sampling Research Design Basically a descriptive research methodology is adopted for the purpose of the study. Sampling Method The sampling procedure was convenience and judgement sampling, as in questionnaire was administered at places like the Resident areas, Cyber centre, Office and Colleges in Bangalore City. Sampling Size The sample size is restricted to 100 respondents in Bangalore.

5 Primary Data Primary data will be generated through extensive use of a Structured Questionnaire. Survey will be conducted in Bangalore City and the data collected will be used for the purpose of analysis and interpretation. Secondary Data Data will be collected from sources like: Books. Websites.

6 Findings Most of the internet users are in the age group below 20 years and 20-30 years which indicates that youngsters are using more net than any other. Most of the Student community use internet than any other occupation. Time spent per week in browsing is a good figure at an average of around 4 hours per week. This specifies that internet users do spent some time in browsing. Majority of the Internet users do check the online ads while browsing. 31 percent think that their works are being interfered by the Online ads. People purchasing online is just 37 percent. The remaining 63 percent does not prefer to buy online due to some constraints.

7 Suggestions Go International with multiple language Use of multimedia Use Banner ads that give viewers chance to interact with Banners Free Offers

8 Conclusion  Internet advertising offers increased awareness of companies, an easy method to distribute information, advanced methods of targeting consumers, an immediate and direct line to the customers, and reduced costs in performing these tasks.  The only negative aspect is that consumers have to conquer their fears of the Internet- the fear that ordering through an online advertisement will get lost in the void of cyberspace.  Fear always comes with new technology, but it does not take long for people to adjust. As people get more accustomed to finding their product information on the web, more and more readers will actively seek out Internet advertising sites.


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