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Cell and Heredity Nancy Cohick. Characteristics of Life Day One What is this? Is a virus living? Complete lab activity living vs. non-living.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell and Heredity Nancy Cohick. Characteristics of Life Day One What is this? Is a virus living? Complete lab activity living vs. non-living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell and Heredity Nancy Cohick

2 Characteristics of Life Day One What is this? Is a virus living? Complete lab activity living vs. non-living

3 Chapter 1: Introduction to Cells 1.1 Characteristics of Life

4 Section Objectives  Identify characteristics of living organisms.  Describe cells.  Explain why living things need energy.  Give an example of a stimulus and response.  Compare sexual and asexual reproduction.  Define homeostasis.

5 Day 3 Section 1.2 Opening Question How are all of these pictures similar ? How are all of these pictures different ?

6 Five shared Characteristics of Life  All organisms are made of one or more cells.  All living organisms respond to stimuli.  All living organisms need energy to stay alive.  All living organisms grow and reproduce.  All living organisms maintain a stable internal environment.

7 A.The cell is the basic building block of life. 1.Cells function like tiny factories. 2.Some organisms are only one cell ie: Bacteria Made of one or more cell

8 Need Energy to stay alive A.Energy is the ability to change or move matter. 1.Everything you do requires energy. 2.Organisms can be grouped based upon their source of energy. a. producer b. consumers.

9 Producers

10 Consumers

11 Respond to stimuli in their Environment A.When living things respond to the environment, it is a response to a stimuli. (something that causes a reaction.) What reaction do these cause? 1.Red Light= 2.Smoke alarm = 3.Step on a tack = 4.Smell of favorite food = 5.Taste of sour food =

12 Respond to Environment continued. 1.To keep you safe-maybe even to survive! 2.All living things sense and respond to stimuli to survive and to reproduce. Why do we need to respond to stimuli? Phototropism

13 Growth and Reproduction A.Growth: all living things have the ability to grow. 1.By increasing the number of cells. 2.Or simply growth in the size of individual cells.

14 Growth and Reproduction B. To be able to reproduce is another characteristic of all living things. 1. sexually: parents mate to give rise to offspring. 2. asexual: a single parent gives rise to an offspring. a. dividing b. fragmenting

15 Maintain a Stable Environment A.Homeostasis is the condition of maintaining a “stable” internal environment. 1. water balance 2. temperature 3. acidity Many things must be maintained by our bodies to have normal life processes!


17 HW Page 7 Recall. Recall 1. List five characteristics of living things. 2. Describe cells. 3. What is energy? How do organisms use energy? Apply Concepts 4. Describe a response to an environmental stimulus that might save your life. Think Critically 5. Discuss the role of reproduction in life. 6. Explain why having a fever when you are sick disrupts your body’s homeostasis.

18 Day 4 Paramecium Homeostasis Gizmo Microscope work: Thread/letter e/ salt Day 5 Diversity of Life: Writing prompt

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