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Laboratorio di Lingua Inglese Reading & Writing Semester 2 Lesson 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratorio di Lingua Inglese Reading & Writing Semester 2 Lesson 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratorio di Lingua Inglese Reading & Writing Semester 2 Lesson 3

2 Homework week 2 Language Development p72 & p73 Finish Digibook exercises Unit 7 Read & study texts on CL on Moodle in the EAP Additional Resources section Research & Write your essay with a partner Bring your typed essay to class next lesson

3 Turn to p72

4 p72 Exercise 1

5 1. enormous /pre/ssure 2. profound /e/ffect 3. major /i/ssue 4. rapid rise 5. greater strain 6. prime con/cern 7. huge /im/pact 8. greater su/stain/a/bil/i/ty 9. higher de/mand/ 10. bigger /e/ffort 1. enormous pressure 2. profound effect 3. major issue 4. rapid rise 5. greater strain 6. prime concern 7. huge impact 8. greater sustainability 9. higher demand 10. bigger effort

6 p72 Exercise 2 considerable importance widespread belief systematic approach substantial number crucial factor prominent expert principal aims acute shortages leading causes Record your new words WITH collocations

7 considerable ? widespread ? systematic ? substantial ? crucial ? prominent ? principal ? acute ? leading ?




11 analysisdefinitionindicateprocedure approachderivedindividualprocess areadistributioninterpretationrequired assessmenteconomicinvolvedresearch assumeenvironmentissuesresponse authorityestablishedlabourrole availableestimatelegalsection benefitevidencelegislationsector conceptexportmajorsignificant consistentfactorsmethodsimilar constitutionalfinancialoccursource contextformulapercentspecific contractfunctionperiodstructure createidentifiedpolicytheory dataincomeprinciplevariable The most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. But do you know what these words collocate with?

12 Turn to p73

13 Noun Phrase (subject position) + Verb Phrase + Noun Phrase (object position) What grade you get in your final exam will depend on your level of dedication to your studies.

14 The use of the nominal clause is a sophisticated tool, commonly used in academic writing. Knowledge of how to use the nominal clause effectively allows for more possibility of flexibility within the structure of a text.


16 Nominal Clauses

17 Homework week 2 Language Development p72 & p73 Finish Digibook exercises Unit 7 Read & study texts on CL on Moodle in the EAP Additional Resources section Research & Write your essay with a partner Bring your typed essay to class next lesson

18 Co-operative Learning



21 How can education for all children help to overcome overpopulation? Work with a partner Go to Type in ‘Education and population growth’ Choose 1 article each Write the body of an essay which answers the above title Bring your typed answer to class next lesson to share with another pair of students

22 Essay writing




26 Homework week 3 Continue with Digibook exercises Units 1-7 Visit acvocab/wordlists.htm Research Nominal Clauses Write up your final body of the essay – put all your names on the essay.


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