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Chapter 6……... Jeopardy! It’s a Strange Kind of Change Luke… I am Your Father Tale as Old as Time I Choose You, Pikachu! Mixed Bag 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6……... Jeopardy! It’s a Strange Kind of Change Luke… I am Your Father Tale as Old as Time I Choose You, Pikachu! Mixed Bag 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6……..

2 Jeopardy! It’s a Strange Kind of Change Luke… I am Your Father Tale as Old as Time I Choose You, Pikachu! Mixed Bag 100 200 300 400 500

3 Correct!!!

4 Nope!!!

5 Strange Change $100 The British naturalist who studied the evolution of animals in the Galapagos Islands in the 1830s Charles Darwin Jean Lamarck

6 Strange Change $200 What is the name for the evolution of new species from an existing species? Variation Speciation

7 Strange Change $300 In this process, organisms with favorable traits are more likely to reproduce and survive Selection Isolation

8 Strange Change $400 Animals within a species look different and sometimes act differently, known as this… Variation Adaptation

9 Strange Change $500 This is an inherited trait that gives an organism an advantage in a particular environment Variation Adaptation

10 Luke.. $100 This is an early form of an organism from which later forms descend Species Ancestor

11 Luke.. $200 A lizard and a manatee have similar limb (leg) types, but use them in different ways. This similarity in structure supports the theory of evolution by allowing us to trace these animals back to a… Variation Common Ancestor

12 Luke.. $300 What is the relationship between genes of two closely related organisms? They will be similar, but not identical They will be completely different They will be the same

13 Luke.. $400 Fish lay hundreds of eggs, but only a couple dozen will actually hatch. Which aspect of natural selection is being shown in the above example? Overproduction Speciation

14 Luke.. $500 No two zebras have the exact same pattern of stripes. Which aspect of natural selection is being shown in the above example? Evolution Variation

15 Tale.. $100 Which mass extinction killed the dinosaurs? Cretaceous Extinction Permian Extinction

16 Tale.. $200 Where did the first organisms live on Earth? Ocean Land

17 Tale.. $300 What was most likely the first organism on land? Reptile Plant

18 Tale.. $400 Scientists can study the absolute age of an ancient fossil by which method? calculating the wear and tear of the bones using a well-crafted algebraic formula measuring the rate at which uranium decays into lead and the concentration of both elements found in the fossil and surrounding soil

19 Tale.. $500 During the Permian Extinction, how many species living in the oceans died? 90% 75%

20 I Choose You.. $100 According to Lamarck, how did organisms evolve? only the fittest will survive organisms can change their traits during their lifetime and pass it to their offspring

21 I Choose You.. $200 A reduced and unused physical structure in an organism was once used in earlier organisms. What is the name of this structure? Vestigial Structure Adaptive Structure

22 I Choose You.. $300 Which supports the theory of natural selection? Speciation and ancestry Variation and adaptation

23 I Choose You.. $400 How would Darwin explain the fact that tortoises on one island have long necks while tortoises on a different island have short necks The short neck tortoises stretched their necks until they became long The short neck tortoises could not reach food and died, but the long neck tortoises survived

24 I Choose You.. $500 Over time, a river causes one population of giraffes to become separated into two populations. If these two populations came together, they would be two different subspecies of giraffe and would not be able to breed. Which aspect of natural selection is being shown in the above example? Speciation Variation

25 Mixed Bag.. $100 The remains of organisms preserved in Earth are called this Australopithecus Fossil

26 Mixed Bag.. $200 During this phenomenon, huge numbers of organisms are wiped out in a short period of time Mass extinction Speciation

27 Mixed Bag.. $300 The first animal on Earth was most likely what? A jellyfish A plant

28 Mixed Bag.. $400 What does relative age tell you about a fossil? Whether one fossil is older or younger than another fossil Exactly when the fossil was formed

29 Mixed Bag.. $500 How can a fossil record help scientists? fossil records can show the migration patterns of animals during the ice age fossil records can show which animals lived in the same area during the same time by comparing both absolute and relative dating

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