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IT274 Intermediate C# Programming Instructor : Vladimir Gubanov, PhD AIM : vladimirg77.

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Presentation on theme: "IT274 Intermediate C# Programming Instructor : Vladimir Gubanov, PhD AIM : vladimirg77."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT274 Intermediate C# Programming Instructor : Vladimir Gubanov, PhD Email : AIM : vladimirg77

2 Some Course Administration questions first : 1.Our Seminars : they will be each Thursday, from 10 PM to 11 PM EST 2.My Office Hours : Mondays, 7PM to 8PM Saturdays, 9AM to 10 AM

3 Our course : Continuation of IT254 – I would say that much more interesesting one ! The topics include advanced OO concepts, custom classes, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading and overiding and other OO software development methods and techniques as implemented in C# 3

4 The Textbook Programming in Visual C# 2008 by Julia Bradley and Anita Millspaugh We will cover : – Chapters 1- 3, 4, 7 : brief review only ( in the first two units) – Chapters 5 and 8 : more on methods and arrays – Chapter 9 : Web Applications : Web pages and C# interfaces for the Web (client-side and server- side, with ASP.Net and AJAX) – Database Applications: ADO.NET and C# ( including LINQ) 4

5 We will cover ( cont.) Data Files :.NET file Handling – writing to a file and reading from a file Chapter 12 : Advanced OO concepts : custom classes and objects, inheritance, polymorphism Chapter 13 : Graphics, Animation, Sound and their implementations in C# Chapter 14 : Validation Techniques, DataControls, XML Data Files, Windows Presentation Foundation 5

6 Software you will need : MS Visual Studio 2008 or MS Visual C# 2008 Express ( no VS 2010 – yet ) MS Visual Developer 2008 Express MS SQL Server 2008 or MS SQL 2008 Server Express 6

7 Assingnments and grading Discussions : 240 points Projects (9) : 450 points FLA : 160 points Final Project : 150 points Participation : not less than 3 days per week – please make it four - a lot of questions to discuss in this class ( the first post not later than by Saturday) 7

8 Projects Look at the grading rubrics to see the expectations GUI suggestions are often given : please follow those, but welcome to add your own features and functionalities Projects are usually close to the samples discussed in the chapters Excellent C# code samples on the MSDN web site 8

9 FLA Welcome to take quizzes in lieu of seminars We review less of the course materials at the seminars than in the previous C# class Please read unit materials before seminar and come to ask questions I will have some questions for you too… 9

10 The End 10 Any questions? My E-Mail:

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