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Slide 1 Product Line Studio TM “Product Configuration Editor”

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1 Slide 1 Product Line Studio TM “Product Configuration Editor”

2 Slide 2 Options and Settings Listed in a tree Optional features are shown with check-box User enters the value for the setting in the field editor at upper right. User types in value for each option here

3 Slide 3 “Check” indicates option is SELECTED “Box” indicates decision has not yet been made whether to select or not. “Unchecked” indicates option is UNSELECTED

4 Slide 4 “Flags” can be used to keep track of options / settings which need attention later. Flags have no formal meaning; just a convenience feature for the user. Can “Find” settings which are flagged.

5 Slide 5 PLS enables “custom data types” to be defined. Custom data type has a custom editor GUI component, which appears here Each setting can be either a built-in data type, or a custom data type.

6 Slide 6 Consistency Checking The click here to check configuration for consistency Violated constraints are listed at bottom Double-click on a violation for details of the constraint

7 Slide 7 Supports “Staged Configuration” You can “lock down” part of the configuration so that it can never be changed. For example, some product options are defined by the license; thereafter, run-time settings can be changed, but the licensed options are fixed.  “Release”, “License”, and “Installation” are stages in this example  A product line defines its own stages. The Configuration Editor let’s you decide when to “lock down” all settings associated with a particular “stage”

8 Slide 8 “Update” the Variability Model If the underlying “variability model” changes, a product configuration can be converted to the new model. Old settings and options are retained, assuming they still apply.

9 Slide 9 Choose the “type” of Feature Sometimes the options needed depend on the Feature Type In the example shown, different settings are required if the connector is a based on “TCP”, “SSL”, or “HTTP”. In this example, “port” and “ipFilter” apply when the type is “TCP Connector”.

10 Slide 10 Notes... The space of allowed configurations is defined in Product Line Studio itself. The “product designer” defines allowed configurations. The Configuration Editor is intended for “product users”; it hides design details. In an Upcoming Release... The Configuration Editor will use XML for representing both the Variability Model and the Product Configuration. At that point, the Configuration Editor will be usable entirely separately from the Product Line Studio system. The Configuration Editor will be available as a Java Applet to allow customers to configure products on a web site, storing the result in your company’s database.

11 Slide 11 Thank-you Contact For More Information Keith Musser Integrated Dynamics, Inc. 812-371-7777

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