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2012 Central Valley Salmon Sport Fishing Regulations California Department of Fish and Game California Fish and Game Commission March 7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Central Valley Salmon Sport Fishing Regulations California Department of Fish and Game California Fish and Game Commission March 7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Central Valley Salmon Sport Fishing Regulations California Department of Fish and Game California Fish and Game Commission March 7, 2012

2 2012 Central Valley Salmon Season Proposed range of salmon fishing dates in the American, Feather, Mokelumne, and Sacramento rivers Intentionally broad to allow Commission flexibility to adopt the final PFMC action in mid-April

3 Central Valley Rivers opened in 2011 for salmon are shown in red Daily bag limit will remain at 2 Chinook salmon in all open areas with existing trout and steelhead bag limits

4 Central Valley Rivers to be open in 2012 for salmon are shown in red Mokelumne River and Feather River’s Thermalito Afterbay Outfall are proposed to be added to the rivers opened in 2011

5 CV River Sport Fishery Overview  2011 adult Sacramento River Fall Chinook (SRFC) river sport harvest was 17,362  2-yr old SRFC were 70% of the 2011 angler harvest  2012 proposed CV season may increase SRFC adult harvest by 10% to 15%, if SRFC are available from PFMC

6 2012 General Objectives   Open up Mokelumne River and Feather River’s Thermalito Afterbay Outfall   Feather River above TAO will remain closed to protect spring-run Chinook   Closed all CV rivers on December 16 to protect winter-run Chinook   Provide better river boundaries in Delta area

7 Proposed American River Season   Nimbus Dam to the Hazel Avenue Bridge & SMUD power line at Ancil Hoffman Park (AHP) to Jibboom Street bridge   Varied dates July 16 to December 31   Hazel Ave Bridge to USGS cable downstream of Nimbus Fish Hatchery (NFH) weir   Varied dates July 16 to August 15   USGS cable to SMUD power line at AHP   Varied dates July 16 to October 31  to mouth  Jibboom Street bridge to mouth   Varied dates July 16 to December 16

8 Proposed Feather River Season   All areas upstream of the unimproved boat ramp above Thermalito Afterbay Outfall (TAO)   Closed to the take of salmon all year   Unimproved boat ramp above TAO to 200 yards above Live Oak boat ramp   Varied dates July 16 to October 15   200 yards above Live Oak boat ramp to mouth   Varied dates July 16 to December 16

9 Proposed Mokelumne River Season   Camanche Dam to Highway 99 bridge   Varied dates from July 16 to October 15   Woodbridge Irrigation District (WID) Dam to Lower Sacramento Road bridge   Closed to all fishing all year   Highway 99 bridge to WID Dam (including Lodi Lake) & Lower Sacramento Road bridge to mouth   Varied dates July 16 to December 16   Mouth is defined as river and its tributary sloughs east of Highway 160 and north of Highway 12

10 Proposed Sacramento River Season   Deschutes Road Bridge to 500 feet above the Red Bluff Diversion Dam   Varied dates August 1 to December 16   150’ below Lower Red Bluff Boat Ramp to Hwy 113 Bridge & Hwy 113 Bridge to the Carquinez Bridge   Varied dates July 16 to December 16   Sacramento tributary sloughs defined as all sloughs west of Highway 160

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