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Improving Fired Heaters Performance using CFD

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1 Improving Fired Heaters Performance using CFD
Ashutosh Garg Furnace Improvements

2 Typical Application of CFD Modeling in Fired Heaters
Radiant Section-Flue gas patterns Burners- flame patterns Burner plenums- air flow distribution Combustion air duct- flow distribution to burners and radiant cells SCR- flue gas ammonia mixing ID fan suction and duct modeling Economizer coil flow distribution Process manifold pass flow distribution

3 CFD Modeling of Crude Heater Burner Inlet Duct

4 CFD Modeling of Duct from ID Fan to Stack

5 Pressure Contours For Existing And
Proposed Pressure drop in the proposed case is less by about 1 inch WC

6 Case Study-3-Crude Heater
Corpus Christi Refinery-Crude Heater Performance improvement study Case Study-3-Crude Heater Client facing flame impingement and high tube metal temperatures in radiant section FIS recommended inclined burner firing system to eliminate flame impingement Carry out CFD Modeling of the Burners and Radiant Section to demonstrate the benefit of inclined burner firing system Furnace Improvements

7 Inclined Firing System
4/28/2017 Inclined Firing System Most of the tube failures in fired heaters are due to high tube skin temperatures and flame impingement. Over firing of heaters is also a frequent reason for flame impingement. Furnace Improvements has developed the Inclined Firing System technology in order to avoid flame impingement on tubes. The burners are installed inclined at 5-15° from the vertical. This technology is very useful for installing Ultra Low NOx Burners in very tight heater boxes. 4/28/2017 7 7 7

8 Radiant Wall Temperatures (Deg F)
For h = 100 Btu/ft2-h and T= 800 °F Base Design Modified Design

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