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WELCOME TO MISS GRAY’S THIRD GRADE!!!. My Education This is my 7 th year teaching third grade at West End! I went to The Ohio State University for college.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MISS GRAY’S THIRD GRADE!!!. My Education This is my 7 th year teaching third grade at West End! I went to The Ohio State University for college."— Presentation transcript:


2 My Education This is my 7 th year teaching third grade at West End! I went to The Ohio State University for college where I majored in Psychology and minored in Early Childhood Development. I then went to The College of New Jersey to get my Masters in Elementary Education.

3 A Little Bit About Me I LOVE college football! I am getting married next June! I also work at Newark Beth Israel Hospital in Newark as a bedside teacher for children who cannot be in school due to their illness.

4 BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT I believe in positive reinforcement. In our classroom I use: YARGSGroup PointsThe Buckeye Jar For Homework reinforcement I use the YEA- YEA chart! 10 completed homework assignments in a row earns your child a YEA- YEA!!!!

5 HOMEWORK 30-60 minutes of homework a night There will ALWAYS be: 1.A math Homelink 2.A spelling assignment 3.20 minutes of reading and reading log *There will also be other assignments on occasion.

6 GRADING Your child will be receiving number grades on their report card. Their grade will include tests, quizzes, class work and participation.

7 READING AT HOME It is SO important that your child reads independently EVERY night! They should read both silently and aloud. If you can, please ask them questions about what they read after they have finished reading. Please remember to sign your child’s reading log EVERY night! Thank you!

8 BIRTHDAYS We will be celebrating birthdays in the class. There are 20 children in our class, so if you choose to send in a snack please provide enough for everyone.

9 SNACK Third grade snack is back! Snack will be around 10:30 everyday. Please send in a small and healthy snack! We can only spend a small amount of time on snack, so please send in something that is easy and fast to eat.

10 GRAY GOES GREEN WEST END is going to focusing on the environment this year and how we can help!!!

11 MATH We use the Chicago Math Program-EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS. Spiral Program Reference Books will be given out during conferences to help you!

12 SPELLING There will be different spelling lists given out in this classroom. Every child has their own need and I will do my best to meet that need.

13 HANDWRITING Student’s will be learning cursive this year!

14 WRITING We will be doing a lot of work with writing this year. I use Writer’s Workshop in the classroom. The children will learn the 7 steps of the writing process during the school year. We will be having a publishing party to celebrate our first books and you will all be invited!!

15 CHARACTER EDUCATION The Third Grade pillar of Character Education is: RESPONSIBILITY


17 CLASSROOM RULES 1. ALWAYS respect each other. 2. Listen quietly while others are speaking. 3. Keep hands and feet to yourself. 4. SMILE!!!

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