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CARBOHYDRATES The Bodies Preferred Energy Source.

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Presentation on theme: "CARBOHYDRATES The Bodies Preferred Energy Source."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARBOHYDRATES The Bodies Preferred Energy Source

2 Types of Carbohydrates Simple: mono- and disaccharides, also know as sugars. (Fun Fact: all carbs are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen!) Complex: polysaccharides, also known as starch and fiber Starch is the energy storage of plants. Fiber is the indigestible cell walls of plants; contains no calories.

3 Why Do We Need Carbs? 1. TO PROVIDE ENERGY! Carbs are the bodies preferred energy source because your body can use them most efficiently. 2. THEY SPARE PROTEINS! Carbs keep your body from using proteins for energy, so they can used to build muscle and other stuff. 3. THEY BREAK DOWN FATS! We need carbs to completely break down fats in our bloodstream. 4. PROVIDE BULK IN THE DIET? Fiber in your diet helps you poop regularly! It can also help you maintain a healthy weight because it helps you feel fuller longer. Eating enough fiber can also help reduce your risk or heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other bad stuff.

4 GOOD FOOD SOURCES OF SIMPLE CARBS Table Sugar Maple Syrup Molasses Candy Soda Jelly & Honey

5 GOOD FOOD SOURCES OF COMPLEX CARBS & FIBER Whole Grain Bread Whole Grain Cereal Corn Potatoes Pasta Fruits & Vegetables Dried Beans & Peas

6 HOW MUCH SHOULD I EAT EACH DAY? SIMPLE: no % DV yet, but the new Dietary Guidelines say no more than 12 teaspoons added sugar per day! (A 12oz. Can of Coke has about 10 teaspoons) COMPLEX: check MyPlate to get your specific ## but on average 5 serving of fruits & veggies and about 6 oz. of grains (at least 3 oz. whole grains) FIBER: recommendation is…. men need 38 grams / day women need 25 grams / day

7 WHAT HAPPENS IF I… …DON’T GET ENOUGH? Your body may use protein and fat for energy. You may become constipated. Ugh! …GET TOO MUCH? Weight gain. Increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Increased risk of heart disease. Increased risk of tooth decay. Increased risk of Alzheimer's.

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