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Waves and Energy Scripps Classroom Connection Scripps GK-12 Classroom Connection.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves and Energy Scripps Classroom Connection Scripps GK-12 Classroom Connection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves and Energy Scripps Classroom Connection Scripps GK-12 Classroom Connection

2 ● List as many types of waves you can think of. ● What do waves transfer? ● In this picture, what is happening to the gravitational potential energy of the drop? What are Waves? Scripps Classroom Connection San Diego Unified School District Physics 1,2 Core Laboratory Activity - Lab 17: Waves

3 ● Sound waves, visible light waves, radio waves, microwaves, water waves, sine waves, cosine waves, stadium waves, earthquake waves, waves on a string, slinky waves - ALL types of Waves! ● Waves transfer ENERGY!! ● Gravitational potential energy of a water drop turns into kinetic energy, which transfers energy in the form of a WAVE! What are Waves? Scripps Classroom Connection

4 Anatomy of a Wave Scripps Classroom Connection CREST TROUGH AMPLITUDE WAVELENGTH

5 ● Transverse The motion of the medium is at right angles to the direction in which a wave travels Stretched strings of musical instruments, electromagnetic waves, S-waves in earthquakes ● Longitudinal The particles of the medium move back and forth in the same direction in which the wave travels Sound waves, P-waves in earthquakes Two Types of Waves Scripps Classroom Connection

6 ● What type of wave is an ocean wave? Waves Scripps Classroom Connection

7 ● Frequency – Number of cycles per unit of time (s), measured in Hz Frequency = 1/Period Period = 1/Frequency ● Hz – One vibration per second ● Wave Speed = wavelength * frequency ν=λfν=λf Wave speed depends on the medium through which the wave moves. Key Terms Scripps Classroom Connection

8 ● Distance = Rate * Time (D=RT) ● Rate = Distance / Time (R=D/T) Use the equation for rate when calculating wave speed. DiRT - Calculating Rate Scripps Classroom Connection

9 ● Answer questions 1-14 ● Once you have finished, show your worksheet to an instructor ● You and two partners will be given a slinky and a stopwatch to complete the lab ● Once the charts are completed, calculate the average time, and wave speed for each experiment. ● Answer questions 15-24. Slinky Lab Scripps Classroom Connection

10 Conclusion Scripps Classroom Connection We are constantly interacting with waves Waves carry energy Light and S-waves are examples of transverse waves. Sound and P-waves are examples of longitudinal waves. Photo Credit: Brianne Moskovitz

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