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Land surface physics in IBIS

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1 Land surface physics in IBIS
based on ‘LSX’ of Pollard and Thompson designed to be part of an atmospheric model (~hourly timestep) purpose of land-surface module: calculate energy balance and water balance at the land surface sensible heat flux (H) Visible precipitation(P) IR latent heat flux (LE) Evapotranspiration (E) surface runoff (RF) Soil heat flux (G) sub-surface drainage

2 Each gridcell in IBIS may contain 12 plant functional types (pft)
Representation in the land-surface physics part of the code : upper canopy Lower canopy Each canopy is characterized by 1 set of parameters. (eg:LAI of upper canopy = sum of lai’s of each tree pft in the grid cell) Parameters and fluxes depending on the pft are weighted by the relative abundance of the pft in the canopy (e.g : CO2 flux).

3 the temperature of both canopies, of canopy air, of soil, and snow.
Thermal energy and water vapor: done in subroutine turvap and linsolve in file canopy.f To solve energy balance and water balance, the model needs to calculate the temperature of both canopies, of canopy air, of soil, and snow. e.g energy balance of upper canopy (per unit LAI) the flow of water trough the canopies and through the soil and the humidity and water content of each components Wu upper canopy Snow lower canopy Soil

4 Energy balance and water balance:
Ta, qa, ua, raina, snowa, Solar radiation za wu z1 Tu, T12 q12 z12 ws Ts z2 wl ta : air temperature tu: temperature of upper canopy leaves ts: temperature of upper canopy stems tl: lower canopy temperature t12: temperature of air within upper canopy t34: temperature of air within lower canopy tg: ‘skin’ temperature of soil (temperature of the soil surface) tsoi(k): temperature of kth soil layer qa: air specific humidity (g/kg) q12: specific humidity of air within upper canopy q34: specific humidity of air within lower canopy wu: amount of water on upper canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) ws: amount of water on upper canopy stems wl: amount of water on lower canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) wsoi: raina : rainfall (mm/s or kg/m2/s) snowa : snowfall Solar radiation z3 Snow Tl T34 q34 z34 z4 Tg Z=0 Tsoi, wsoi, wisoi Soil (6 layers)

5 fira Radiation - Infrared
Calculation done in subroutine irrad in file radiation.f Tu Ts fira Each ‘medium’ (upper canopy leaves, stems, lower canopy, snow on ground and ground surface) behaves like a black body and emits and absorbs radiation according to : emissivity * stefan-ct * T4 Fluxes are weighted by the average fractional covers :fu for the upper canopy, fl for the lower canopy, fi for the snow cover fu*fira (1-fu)*fira Ti Tl snow Tg Soil (6 layers)

6 Radiation - done in subroutines solset, solsur, solalb, solarf, twostr, twoset in file radiation.f
Soil (6 layers) snow Tu Ts diffuse Tl Tg direct Calculation done separately for visible ( m) and near-infrared ( m) ‘two-stream’ approximation used in each vegetation layer: direct and diffuse beam Vegetation characterized by transmittance, reflectance and leaf-angle distribution Soil and snow characterized by albedo Fluxes are weighted by the fractional covers (shading effect of trees averaged over entire grid cell)

7 Aerodynamics: done in subroutines canini and turcof in file canopy.f
Calculates: turbulent heat (sensible and latent heat) and water vapor fluxes from soil and canopies to air transfer coefficients for fluxes between canopy air and air above (e.g: su, a) Example : upper canopy heat flux: heat flux between canopy air and free air (Ha) sensible heat flux between upper canopy and canopy air (Hu) T12 Tu Ts ta : air temperature tu: temperature of upper canopy leaves ts: temperature of upper canopy stems tl: lower canopy temperature t12: temperature of air within upper canopy t34: temperature of air within lower canopy tg: ‘skin’ temperature of soil (temperature of the soil surface) tsoi(k): temperature of kth soil layer qa: air specific humidity (g/kg) q12: specific humidity of air within upper canopy q34: specific humidity of air within lower canopy wu: amount of water on upper canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) ws: amount of water on upper canopy stems wl: amount of water on lower canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) wsoi: raina : rainfall (mm/s or kg/m2/s) snowa : snowfall Solar radiation Snow Tl T34 Tg Soil Tsoi

8 : wind stress (constant between canopies) : air density
constant-flux layers with logarithmic profile of wind modified by ‘stratification’: Aerodynamics elevation ua za In canopies: diffusive model constant flux z1 z12 diffusive u12 Hyp: Continuity of wind speed and wind stress at canopy boundaries. z2 ta : air temperature tu: temperature of upper canopy leaves ts: temperature of upper canopy stems tl: lower canopy temperature t12: temperature of air within upper canopy t34: temperature of air within lower canopy tg: ‘skin’ temperature of soil (temperature of the soil surface) tsoi(k): temperature of kth soil layer qa: air specific humidity (g/kg) q12: specific humidity of air within upper canopy q34: specific humidity of air within lower canopy wu: amount of water on upper canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) ws: amount of water on upper canopy stems wl: amount of water on lower canopy leaves (intercepted rain/dew) wsoi: raina : rainfall (mm/s or kg/m2/s) snowa : snowfall Solar radiation constant flux : wind stress (constant between canopies) : air density Z0: roughness length (height, LAI) d: displacement height (~height of canopy) z3 z34 u34 diffusive z4 constant flux Z=0 u4 u3 u2 u1 ua Wind speed

9 + source : density of soil : thermal conductivity of soil
Soil heat: calculation done in subroutines soilheat, wadjust in file soil. Each layer characterized by specific heat (csoi), and thermal conductivity (). Both depend on soil texture, and water and ice content. Solution of : Heat flux from atmosphere (G) Ice water 6 layers 10cm 15cm 50cm 25cm 200cm 100cm + source : density of soil : thermal conductivity of soil Source:heat flux from atmosphere (1st layer only), ice freezing in soil Sinks: ice melt in soil Averaged for use in soil biogeochemistry Tsoi, csoi

10 + source - sinks : volumetric water content : matric potential
Soil water: calculation done in subroutines soilset, soilctl, soilh2o in file soil.f Water influx (precipitation, drips from upper and lower canopies, snowmelt) Diffusion of water in soil follows Darcy’s law combined with conservation of mass: Bare soil evaporation puddles: wipud wpud + source - sinks : volumetric water content : matric potential : hydraulic conductivity Source: water flux from puddle (1st layer only) Sinks: evaporation (1st layer only), water absorbed by roots, drainage (6th layer only)  and  depend on the volumetric water content and the texture through Clapp and Hornberger’s equations. In the model the variables are : wsoi = fraction of soil pore space filled with liquid. wisoi = fraction of soil pore space filled with ice. Ice water Water pumped by roots wisoi, wsoi drainage

11 Surface of soil: puddles
Water influx (precipitation, drips from upper and lower canopies, snowmelt) evaporation runoff Runoff if wpud > wpudmax

12 + source - sinks : density of snow : thermal conductivity of snow
Snow: calculation done in subroutines inisnow (initial.f) , snow, showheat in file snow. F (person to contact: John Lenters) Snow characterized by albedo, emissivity, thermal conductivity and density (fixed). Variables: tsno (temperature for each layer) hsno (height of each layer) fi = snow cover fraction in gridcell (depends on hsno) Solution of heat equation: Snowfall + blowing snow from canopies Heat flux from air above + rain sublimation + source - sinks 3 layers : density of snow : thermal conductivity of snow Source:heat flux from atmosphere (1st layer only), freezing in soil Sinks: snow melt 5cm hsno2 = hsno3 snowmelt

13 Energy balance: Rn = H + LE + G
Rn = (1-albedo) Visible + IRdown - IRup Water balance: Precipitation = Evapotranspiration - Runoff - Drainage + W / t Visible IR sensible heat flux (H) precipitation(P) latent heat flux (LE) Evapotranspiration (E) surface runoff (RF) Soil heat flux (G) sub-surface drainage

14 e.g energy balance of upper canopy (per unit LAI)
To solve energy balance and water balance, the model needs to calculate the temperature of both canopies (Tu, Tl), of canopy air (T12,T34), of soil (Tsoi), and snow(Tsno). e.g energy balance of upper canopy (per unit LAI) wu Tu T12 q12 ws Ts the flow of water trough the canopies and through the soil and the humidity (q12, q34, qg) water (and ice) content of each components (wu, wl, ws, wsoi, wisoi) wl Ti Snow Tsno Tl T34 q34 Tg, qg Tsoi, wsoi, wisoi Soil (6 layers)

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