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Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than

2 Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than

3 Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than

4 Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than

5 Statistics and Probability 9 What is the most... What is the least... How many... More people like... than

6 Statistics and Probability 9 GUIDED INVESTIGATION What data can we see in the list using tally marks? What data can we see in the list using numbers? What data can we see in the table? What data can we see in the picture graph? What data can we see in the column graph? INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION The data I can see in the list using tally marks is … The data I can see in the list using numbers is … The data I can see in the table is … The data I can see in the picture graph is … The data I can see in the column graph is … What are the advantages and disadvantages of using tally marks to display data? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using lists to display data? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using tables to display data? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using picture graphs to display data? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using column graphs to display data? What questions could ask about data using chance language? What statements could make about data using chance language?

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