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Finance for Clubs & Societies. Your Accounts We split your money into two accounts:  Sponsorship account: Core Running Costs (63)  Fundraising account.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance for Clubs & Societies. Your Accounts We split your money into two accounts:  Sponsorship account: Core Running Costs (63)  Fundraising account."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance for Clubs & Societies

2 Your Accounts We split your money into two accounts:  Sponsorship account: Core Running Costs (63)  Fundraising account – non-core costs (64) It is your responsibility to make sure there is enough funds in the relevant account For up to date balance(s) – check with your Student Activities Co-ordinator

3 Sponsorship Account These are some of the core things to keep you going Affiliation fees Transport Entry costs Equipment Events Coaching Officials Publicity Admin

4 Sponsorship Account We’ll meet with you before mid June to discuss what you want The Students’ Union will put in 50% of the money This year, we put in over £95,000 into clubs & societies The remaining 50% is paid through a membership fee – we’ll talk you through this at the meeting

5 Fundraising Account Money paid to your club/society goes in here including: Membership money received after deadline Any contributions e.g. social tops (online payments) We won’t pay for socials or alcohol Aim is not to spend it all!

6 Collecting Money All money raised must go into one of your Union held accounts: –Membership –External sponsorship –Profit from fundraising –Funds to pay for clothing / socials / trips YOU MUST: use the Union’s website to collect money via an Online Payment Form.Union’s website

7 Spending Money All expenditure is authorised by Co-ordinators and must:  Fulfil the aims & objectives of your group  Be beneficial to all members  Be a reasonable cost  Be submitted using the right paperwork  Have enough money in your account! Three ways to spend money from your account:  Claim Form (eg petrol costs, things bought from shop)  Order Form (eg kit, things ordered through company)  Union’s credit card

8 Claim Form Full details of what you’re claiming Cost - 24 pence per mile for petrol costs Private cars need to be registered Your name and email address Ways to receive the money: If via BACS ensure you insert your sort code and account no on claim form. (STOKE: cash/cheque only). Your group’s authorising signatures & Name of Club/Society. Leave This Section Blank

9 Order Form Supplier’s Address Your club / society Address for delivery Full details of what you’re ordering VAT required? (NO VAT ON 63 Account in most circumstances) Student Activities authorisation Order number: Union to complete

10 Other Funding Staffordshire 20  This is a talented athlete programme  If you compete at regional level or above and there is a selection process involved, please come and see the activities dept External Funding  EG: National Governing Body’s (NGB’s), Community Funding External Sponsorship  Please do not sign a contract as we need to see this.

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