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March, 2015. This year’s ESU conference focused on supporting educators to increase student success by providing research-based solutions and perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "March, 2015. This year’s ESU conference focused on supporting educators to increase student success by providing research-based solutions and perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 March, 2015

2 This year’s ESU conference focused on supporting educators to increase student success by providing research-based solutions and perspectives that can make a difference. There were 36 different breakout sessions with nationally known presenters. 244 certified staff attended sessions based on their needs and interests. 30 classified staff attended and can use the hours toward movement on the salary schedule.

3 Dates: SBPS will have a 4 Week Program (Monday-Thursday) from June 1-25. Staff Time: 8:00-12:00 (All schools except Roosevelt) 8:00-3:00 w/30 minute duty free lunch (Roosevelt) Student Time: 8:30-11:30 (All schools except Roosevelt) 8:30-2:30 with lunch (Roosevelt) Transportation: We are planning to transport students in grades 6-12 to and from BMS and SHS. The pick up and drop off locations will be each of the four elementary schools.

4 Roosevelt will pilot an extended summer school program which will be held from 8:30-2:30 for students and will include lunch. The morning session at Roosevelt will be similar to the other elementary schools then in the afternoon there will be integrated learning activities involving community partners. Riverside ZooWNCC Robotics Scottsbluff Library4H Program Migrant Education Wildcat Hills Nature Center Binational Teacher ProgramYMCA

5 Roosevelt Elementary 92% Free or reduced lunch 32% English Language Learners Title I School in year 2 of Needs Improvement Persistently Lowest Achieving Schools (PLAS) Required to develop an improvement plan under Title I

6 Percentage of grade 3 students meeting or exceeding standards in reading 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Roosevelt 54% 61% 53% 79% 67% District 57% 74% 74% 76% 79% State 68% 71% 77% 77% 79%

7 A yearlong subscription to iRead has been purchased to pilot at Roosevelt. Google Chromebooks were purchased for implementation. Professional development with all K-2 Roosevelt teachers will take place on March 16. Roosevelt K-2 teachers will implement the program in April and May then again in the fall. iRead will be used during summer school as part of the afternoon activities.

8 iRead is a new digital foundational reading program designed to close the achievement gap before it begins and place all K-2 students on a path to reading proficiency by 3 rd grade. It incorporates engaging individualized lessons using technology.


10 The software provides a variety of reports and data that helps teachers know exactly where students are at in their learning. The software generates skill-based groups for differentiated instruction. Teachers have access to over 600 targeted instructional mini lessons based on student needs.

11 Support for English Language Learners iRead benefits English language learners with embedded scaffolds and supports. The software includes Spanish cognates and translations for all target vocabulary words. The ebooks include Spanish previews as well as fluent read alouds that model accurate expression. There is a family portal that is available in both Spanish and English.

12 Follow-up Data and Information Data and information from the iRead pilot will be shared after the spring and summer implementations. The pilot will continue in the fall with a final update and recommendation in January 2016.

13 The third and final round of Check 4 Learning assessments and data retreats are being completed at each building. The focus of the data retreats is identifying areas for reteaching prior to the NeSA assessments.

14 NeSA security and best practices have been covered at the data retreats. Practice tests and tutorials will be used to make sure students are familiar with the software prior to testing. The NeSA RMS and NeSA AA Testing window will be March 23-May 1.


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