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Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations (建立商务关系)

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1 Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations (建立商务关系)

2 768 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

3 768 Objectives know the ways that an exporter can use to seek new customers. know how to write this kind of letters. grasp the important words and phrases learned in writing an establishing business relations’ letter. ObjectivesObjectives

4 768Warming-up Questions Questions How can an exporter seek a potential customer? Suppose you are writing a letter to a potential customer to establish business relations. What will you write in your letter?

5 768Majorsources banks trade directory chamber of commerce friends and business parteners trading fairs & exhibitions internet advertisements

6 768 6 Request for the Establishment of Business Relations The source of information factors Your intention in writing The business scope of your company. The reference as to your firm’s financial position and integity. Expression of your hope of receiving a reply from the recipicent.

7 768 Dear Mr. Sesay, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the South Africa Embassy in Beijing. They have recommended you as one of the largest importers of children’s garments of various styles and sizes. Therefore, we are writing you with a keen desire to enter into business relations with you. Because of the superior quality of our goods, our products have been accepted by domestic and overseas for over twenty years, enjoying a good reputation on the world market. We may say that should you favor us with inquiries for your specific requirements, we are in a position to supply you with first- class goods at competitive prices. We appreciate your favorable reply.

8 768 1.owe one’s name and address to 承蒙告知公司的名称和地址 We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the American Embassy in Beijing. 承蒙美国大使馆驻北京商务参赞处告知你方公司名称与地址。 2. enter into: establish 开始从事,讨论,参加,进入 enter into direct business relations with somebody It's time for us to enter into business talk. 是我们开始谈生意的时间了。 Return Language Points

9 768 3. competitive price 竞争性的价格 This is our latest price list. You‘ll find our price highly competitive. 这是我方最新的价格单,您将发现我们的价格很具竞争力。 4.Appreciate 感激 We should appreciate your airmailing us a report on the developments of your market. 若能航邮一份有关你处市场情况的报告,我们将非常感激。 It will be very much appreciated if you will agree to show us some of your products. 如能展示一些你们的产品,我们将十分感激。 Return

10 768 Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from the website: We know that you are one of the biggest importers of tea in USA. We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose herewith a copy of our brochure covering the main items suppliable at present. If you are interested in any of our products, please contact us with your requirements. We look forward to providing you with high quality products, superior customer service.

11 768 1.obtain… from / get…from We have obtained your information from our supplier. 我们从我们的供应商处获得贵方的名称和地址。 2. approach: contact 联系 We approached the Ministry of Commerce and they told us that you are able to supply 1000 metric tons of apples at a time. 我们与商务部联系,他们告述我们你们能一次性提供 1000 公吨苹果。 Language Points

12 768 3. enclose: put sth. in an envelope 随函附寄 It can be used in the following ways: enclose sth. Enclosed is/are sth. Enclosed please find We are enclosing our catalogue and price list for your reference. 我们现随函附寄我们的产品目录和价格表供你方参考。

13 768 4.brochure a booklet which introduces a company and its products 小册子 We thank you for your brochure on plant equipment for the manufacture of auto radiator. 兹接到贵公司寄来有关制造汽车水箱的工厂设备的册子,谢谢。

14 768 5.Item refer to a particular product 单个商品,标号商品 Translate the following sentence and tell the difference between item and goods: We have seen your goods and are quite interested in your item No. TK-103. Next Page

15 768 Item No. TK-101 Item No. TK-102 Item No. TK-103 Item No. TK-104 Tell the difference between item and goods Return Item refers to an individual unit in a group of products. Goods refer to a group of products.

16 768 6.covering about 关于 请寄给我们关于你方新产品的小册子。 Please send us a brochure covering your new products. Return

17 768 To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose herewith a copy of our brochure covering the main items suppliable at present. 7. herewith adv. enclosed in this 随函附上

18 768 8.a copy of Make three copies of this document. 请将这个文件复制三份。(请将这个文件做三个副本。) We already have three copies of this document. 这个文件我们已有三份了。 Return

19 768 Important parts in a letter of establishing business relations source of information and the intention of writing the letter Introduction of the company and products Closing part Language points: obtain from be in the market for take this opportunity approach enclose item covering brochure ReviewReview

20 768 7 Self-Introduction Dear Sirs, We write to introduce ourselves to you as one of the largest exporters from the People's Republic of China. You will be interested in our extensive connection with Chinese manufacturers. We are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present. We would have the pleasure to receive your inquiries for all kinds of goods. The possession of large capital will enable us to execute orders at the lowest possible prices. As to our credit standing, please refer to Bank of China, Shenyang Branch. Your immediate reply would be appreciated.

21 768 Dear Mr. Li, We thank you for your letter of May 17, 2009 and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you for the sale of photographic equipment. I believe a friendly trade relation will benefit both sides. Presently we are interested in your photographic equipment displayed on your website (www. Please send us your samples and catalogues, as well as the terms of payment and time of delivery. We look forward to receiving your favorable reply. Sincerely,

22 768 enter into business relations 建立商务关系 At the request of our client, we are approaching you with a view to enter into business relations with you. 应我方顾客要求,要与贵方联系,以建立商务关系。 Language Points

23 768 8 Transferring Business Relations Sometimes, you may receive letters transferred from other branches of your company. When you reply these letters, you should: Close the letter by expressing willingness to cooperate or sugges -ting future business dealings. Express your opinion about his request, accepting or rejecting. If you reject, please tell him the reasons. Tell him the reasons why you reply his letter instead of the office he sent the letter to;

24 768 Dear Sirs, Your letter of April 21 addressed to our Qingdao Branch Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply, as the captioned goods come within the range of our business activities. We regret to inform you that this particular line has already been agent for ABC Co., Ltd., 144 Broad Street, San Francisco, U.S.A.. Therefore, we are not in a position to offer you but would rather recommend that you approach them for your requirements direct. If you are interested in any other items, please let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers. Yours truly,

25 768 Line 行业,业务;(货品)种类,系列;货物 We have been in the line of light industrial products for more than thirty years 我们从事轻工业品一行已有三十多年。 be only too pleased to 十分乐于 I'll be only too pleased to furnish you with any information you need. 我将十分乐意向你提供你所需要的情况。 Language Points

26 Thank You!

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