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Shanker Gopalkrishnan ICMCI Biennial Congress September 20, 2005, Beijing, China CMC Brand Strategy - the way ahead - Certified Management Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Shanker Gopalkrishnan ICMCI Biennial Congress September 20, 2005, Beijing, China CMC Brand Strategy - the way ahead - Certified Management Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanker Gopalkrishnan ICMCI Biennial Congress September 20, 2005, Beijing, China CMC Brand Strategy - the way ahead - Certified Management Consultant

2 2 Background “Branding of CMC” was one of the major topics discussed during the meeting held at San Francisco, in October 2002 CAMC presented a comprehensive paper on how over a period of 18 months, they had created a new identity & logo – a considerable departure from the existing CMC logo The debate held during the meetings at San Francisco & earlier at Singapore on the concept of a common brand was inconclusive A comprehensive paper was presented at Istanbul in September 2003; after extensive debate, certain resolutions were adopted The Branding debate was taken forward in Vancouver and an action plan was drawn up including the celebration of “International Management Consultants Day”

3 3 Summary of discussions and resolutions at the Istanbul Biennial Congress 2003 Istanbul

4 4 CMC Brand Objectives Key objectives of CMC branding : Changing the commodity of consulting into a branded service, with a perceived difference To guarantee a specific standard of consistency To enable development of a high level professional identity To aim at buyers of consulting services Istanbul

5 5 Common Global Logo : Views in Favour Common logo implies a common global identity This would be invaluable for management consultants, undertaking assignments in other countries / partnering with local firms  The trademark "CMC" is registered in most member countries  A few countries that could afford it, have promoted the brand through advertising programmes  Austria undertook an extensive advertising campaign to promote CMC  CMC, which is currently identified as a qualification / designation, has to emerge as a powerful brand, which would attract consultants to use it in the market  While separate logos for CMC would be counter productive, a common logo is critical for global promotion Istanbul

6 6 Common Global Logo : Views Against CMC is not a brand, it is a qualification / competency Similar to an MBA or a CPA – a generic term that does not require a separate identity Recognition will be primarily within one country or region and hence, there is no need to worry about a global brand ICMCI does not have the funding to make it a global brand The need is to promote CMC at local institutes within their region of operation & hence, a common branding / logo is irrelevant Only a small percentage of clients are aware of / perceive the value of CMC It is more important to raise the credibility of a “certified” management consultant rather than worry about the brand / logo Istanbul

7 7 Branding : Responsibilities Proposed responsibilities for CMC brand development are at following levels : ICMCI –CMC brand strategy –Protocol –Ethical –Principal Licensor –Brand development & Promotion ( single global brand or otherwise ) Hubs –Regional positioning –Brand development –Brand recognition –Brand tactics & promotion Istanbul

8 8 Branding : Responsibilities (Contd..) National member –CMC brand trade mark registration & protection –Ethical application & its associated monitoring –Brand development –Brand recognition –Brand tactics & promotion Individual CMC –Create awareness and comprehension of ICMCI / CMC at all forums (clients, seminars, associations, government departments –Use in personal stationery and correspondence –Allocate an annual budget Istanbul

9 9 Resolutions adopted at the Working Group at Istanbul Biennial Congress –That the ICMCI develops a global CMC branding strategy to be recommended to member Institutes for adoption, in its entirety or in part, in consonance with the objectives and goals of their respective Institutes The ICMCI will therefore appoint a task force to develop goals, strategies and an implementation plan within 120 days, and circulate the brand strategy document to the member Institutes for their comments, support and adoption The task force will also examine all issues related to licensing the “brand” and make appropriate recommendations to EXCOM. Istanbul

10 10 Resolutions adopted at the Working Group at Istanbul Biennial Congress –That the ICMCI supports the concept of one common brand (including the logo) for CMC but does not prescribe its specific usage at the national level That the ICMCI develops the wording and graphics (style manual) to support the current identity and presentation of the CMC brand and logo and will make this available to all the member Institutes. That the ICMCI encourages member Institutes to adopt these, recognising that their choice to do so may depend on local circumstances That the ICMCI encourages the concept of “co-branding”. It is recognised that the primary responsibility for branding rests with the member institutes and the individual CMCs. Istanbul

11 11 Further deliberations at the Vancouver Working Meeting 2004 Vancouver

12 12 Long Term CMC Brand Objectives The long term objective would be to create value for the CMC designation in the mind of the client. It should be noted that Management Consulting being a service / intangible, the real challenge is in creating this perceived value. Key associated objectives are : –Changing the commodity of consulting into a branded service with a perceived value –Guaranteeing a specific standard of consistency –Enabling development of a high level professional identity –Focussed on aiming at buyers of consulting services Vancouver

13 13 Theme for ICMCI & CMC ICMCI : the Voice of Management Consultants Worldwide To promote the theme it is suggested that meeting consider launching a : International Management Consultants Day –The day on which all IMCs, all over the globe, will attempt to plan simultaneous events for consultants and clients –The event to be celebrated on the same day every year. Vancouver

14 14 The CMC brand - designed by and owned by CAMC Canada CAMC has licensed it to ICMCI for use elsewhere in the world Suggestion : –Formal agreement between ICMCI and the IMCs, for the use of the ICMCI and CMC logos –Between IMCs and their individual members agreements for the use of the CMC logo –Individual be permitted to use the CMC designation only so long as she or he is a member of an IMC ( legal issues ?) Brand Licensing ( a subject introduced in Istanbul and expanded at Vancouver) Vancouver

15 15 CMC Brand Usage and Style Protocol A CMC brand usage and style manual to be developed. This will include a glossary of terms CMC materials - pins, ties, …. Value Proposition Develop the value proposition to be built into the promotional materials and be offered to the IMCs for their use Recognising CMCs with over 5 years experience CMC Brand Related Aspects Vancouver

16 16 Primary responsibility at the National Level Can we recommend 5% of the membership income be set aside annually for CMC Promotional strategy At ICMCI level, can we collect a one-time payment of $ xxx, for the developmental expenses Can we get a sponsor, as well ? Funding the Brand Strategy Vancouver

17 17 Recommendations of the Working Group IMCs will promote CMC and the national Institute; ICMCI may be bundled with either Have a consistent Brand story for CMC Produce a CMC Handbook / Manual - who, process of certification, do’s and don’ts What has ICMCI done for my Institute? To develop the value proposition International Management Consultants Day Money will be provided on a job-to-job basis Vancouver

18 18 For further discussions at Beijing Biennial Congress 2005 Beijing

19 19 CMC Branding : the Current Status CMC Brand paper widely circulated Two versions of ICMCI brochure produced CMC brochure under production CMC Electronic Badge under production ACP brochure planned International Management Consultants Day celebrated on April 2005 by Austria, Denmark and India Beijing

20 20 CMC Branding Issues : for Discussion at Beijing International Management Consultants Day 2006 –When do we celebrate it ? –How can we motivate more IMCs to participate ? –What do we need to do from ICMCI to facilitate ? Brand licensing was discussed at Vancouver and needs to be brought to a logical conclusion, and the issues are : –Formal agreement between ICMCI and the IMCs, for the use of the ICMCI and CMC logos –Between IMCs and their individual members agreements for the use of the CMC logo Beijing

21 21 CMC Branding Issues : for Discussion at Beijing Value Proposition – will be discussed at Beijing To produce a CMC Handbook including brand usage and style manual – how will it get funded CMC Brand funding strategy –What common programmes do we want to develop ? –How do we fund them ? Thank you Beijing

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