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Origins of Islam Islam starts in Arabia The Life of Muhammad.

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2 Origins of Islam

3 Islam starts in Arabia


5 The Life of Muhammad

6 Muhammad’s Early Life Born in 570Ad He was an Arab merchant in Mecca Married to his employer, Khadjuh who was almost twice his age Owned a very successful caravan business

7 At the age of 40 Muhammad began to spend a lot of time alone at Mt. Hira; a mountain outside of his home, Mecca.Revelations

8 Revelations The angel Gabriel came to him at Mt. Hira and gave him the word of Allah, Islam’s God. This was Muhammad’s revelation or vision.

9 Muhammad In 613 began to preach the word of Allah. Preached there is only one God, Allah, before whom all believers are equal.

10 Muhammad taught that there is only one God but also taught about a day of judgment.

11 He was forced to leave Mecca so he went to Medina there he gathered a large following

12 Muhammad in Mecca After the people of Mecca attacked Muhammad’s Medina several times he in return attacked Mecca in 628AD

13 Muhammad in Mecca Defeated the people of Mecca peacefully and offered forgiveness to all people.

14 About 2 million Muslims from more that 70 countries journey to the holy city of Mecca each year to make the spiritual pilgrimage

15 Islam spread rapidly across Africa and into Spain

16 Beliefs, Traditions and Customs of Islam Monotheism = Allah

17 The Quran or Koran Islam’s holy text or Holy Book

18 The Quran The Koran is the law of Islam Should not eat pork, gamble, drink liquor. Describes the five pillars of faith.

19 Five Pillars of Islam 1. The profession of faith in Allah 2. Prayer 3. The paying of alms 4. Fasting 5. The Pilgrimage to 6. Mecca (Hajj)

20 The profession of faith in Allah "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet"

21 Prayer Muslims are obliged to perform ritual prayers five times a day: Between dawn and sunrise After midday Midway between midday and sunset Right after sunset Approximately one hour after sunset One must pray in the direction of Mecca Go the Mosque on Fridays

22 The paying of alms Generally you give around 2.5% of the total savings for a rich man working in trade or industry. Must give to the poor and needy

23 Fasting Refraining from eating, drinking or satisfying sexual needs from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.

24 The Pilgrimage to Mecca or Hajj All Muslims that have the financial and physical means to perform hajj are required to do so at least once in their lifetimes.

25 Hajj= a pilgrimage to Meeca

26 MOSQUES : places of worship for Muslims. Typical features are domes and minarets DOME MINARETS

27 Islam and Muslims speak Arabic


29 Arabic Language spread with trade

30 Islam accepted Judeo / Christian prophets Moses Jesus

31 Diffusion (spread) along trade routes

32 Islam expanded over great distances Desert environmentsMountain barriers Sahara Desert Kush Mtns.

33 Islam spread into Spain

34 Islam spread because of the weak Byzantine and Persian Empires

35 Islamic Turning Points

36 Sunni – Shi’a division or split

37 Sunni Muslims are very moderate

38 Shi’a or Shiite Muslims are very extreme

39 Muslim conquest of Jerusalem and Damascus

40 Muslim defeat at the battle of Tours

41 Charles Martel stopped the Muslim Advance into Europe

42 The city of Jerusalem is considered sacred ground by three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

43 The Dome of the Rock


45 The Church of the Holy Sepulcher This church was built on the site where Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified.


47 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship What is the holy book called What day of the week do followers worship What holiday is celebrated Deity / Leader

48 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship ChurchSynagogueMosque What is the holy book called What day of the week do followers worship What holiday is celebrated Deity / Leader

49 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship ChurchSynagogueMosque What is the holy book called BibleTorahKoran What day of the week do followers worship What holiday is celebrated Deity / Leader

50 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship ChurchSynagogueMosque What is the holy book called BibleTorahKoran What day of the week do followers worship SundaySaturdayFriday What holiday is celebrated Deity / Leader

51 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship ChurchSynagogueMosque What is the holy book called BibleTorahKoran What day of the week do followers worship SundaySaturdayFriday What holiday is celebrated LentYom KippurRamadan Deity / Leader

52 Monotheistic Belief Systems Belief System ChristianityJudaismIslam Where do people worship ChurchSynagogueMosque What is the holy book called BibleTorahKoran What day of the week do followers worship SundaySaturdayFriday What holiday is celebrated LentYom KippurRamadan Deity / Leader God / JesusGod / MosesGod / Muhammad

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