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Posted 5/31/05 Module 5: Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Overview.

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1 Posted 5/31/05 Module 5: Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Overview

2 2 What is Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance? Private insurance bought in advance of LTC need Pays some or all LTC expenses Covers variety of care settings Policies differ in terms of covered services, provisions and coverage amounts Newer products greatly improved over earlier ones

3 3 Benefits of LTC Insurance Helps protect assets from LTC expenses Financial security for your family More care choice and options Helps maintain independence Reduces or eliminates reliance on Medicaid Alternative to relying on family/friends for all your care needs Peace of mind and control

4 4 Potential Drawbacks Policy may not cover entire cost of care Concern whether the policy will pay benefits as you expect and need May not qualify for insurance due to health reasons Premiums may not be affordable Competing priorities for financial resources

5 5 Who Should Consider LTC Insurance? Have assets to protect ($50,000+) Not eligible (or close to qualifying) for Medicaid Can afford premiums (<7% of income) Reasonably good health to qualify for insurance Premiums more affordable at younger ages (<79 years)

6 6 Who Should Not Buy? Already needs LTC Limited income and assets Qualifies (or near qualifying) for Medicaid Age makes premium not affordable Has family willing and able to provide care (considering “unknowns” of the future) Current health condition makes them not insurable

7 7 Helping People Decide Use suitability personal worksheet Addresses financial considerations LTC insurance is more than just financial protection Keep in mind other factors: health, family situation, and care options

8 8 Suitability – Personal Worksheet Tax qualified LTC insurance must determine suitability of sale Some states require “suitability” determination of all LTC insurance Many states require insurer to use “Personal Worksheet” and “Things You Should Know” Sale cannot proceed without signed Personal Worksheet State variations in forms and process

9 9 Why People Buy Source: HIAA and Long Term Care Group, 2002.

10 10 Why People Do Not Buy Source: HIAA, 1990, 1995, 1999.

11 11 Buyers vs. Non-Buyers Source: HIAA, 1990, 1995, 1999.

12 12 Counseling Exercise – Suitability David and Leslie Phillips, 62 years old Two grown children living out of state David’s income = $65,000 Assets not counting property = $270,000 Have 401K, IRAs and mutual funds for financial support in retirement Mother-in-law in nursing home after disabling stroke

13 13 Counseling Exercise Pauline Watson, age 77, widowed Grown daughter lives nearby Assets (CDs and savings) = $47,000 Monthly income after rent and other expenses = $750/month Does not expect income to increase Reasonably good health

14 14 Benefit Payment Method Reimbursement – Policy pays 100% of LTC expenses up to a pre-set amount you choose Indemnity – Policy pays a pre-set amount each day you have LTC expenses even if your expenses are less than that Disability – Some policies pay “cash” for each day you are disabled, even if you do not incur any LTC expenses – You decide how to spend that money

15 15 Example Marie is in nursing home that costs $120/day Reimbursement policy pays her actual expenses up to $150/day – Policy pays $120 for Marie’s nursing home care Indemnity policy pays $150/day. – Policy pays fixed amount, so pays Marie $150/day Disability policy pays Marie $150 per day – Marie decides to move out of the nursing home and live with her daughter – Marie continues to receive $150 per day from her policy even though she is not incurring any LTC expenses and is receiving care from her family

16 16 Payment Method Example Payment Method Weekly Care Expenses Weekly Benefit Payment Difference (Net Payment to Marie) Reimbursement$420 $0 Indemnity$420$500$80 Disability$420$700$280

17 17 Things to Consider Reimbursement approach is most cost- effective (and most common) Indemnity approach gives more additional flexibility to pay for some “extras” that might not otherwise be covered Disability approach gives the most flexibility, but costs about 40% more in premiums

18 18 Types of LTC Insurance Policies Individual (about 80% of all LTC policies) Association-sponsored group (small segment of the market) Employer-sponsored group (about 15%) Sponsored by Continuing Care Retirement Community (small segment of the market)

19 19 Tax Treatment of LTC Insurance Most policies are federally-tax qualified (85%+) Premiums tax deductible under certain circumstances Benefits received tax-free Certain consumer protection features required Criteria for receiving benefits are uniformly defined and mandated

20 20 Specifics on Premium Deduction Deductible if premium and other health/medical expenses exceed 7.5% of adjusted gross income Up to limits by age (adjusted yearly for inflation) AgeMaximum Deduction (2003) <40 $250 41-50$470 51-60$940 61-70$2,510 71+$3,130

21 21 2004 Premium Deduction Amounts 2004 amounts Up to limits by age (adjusted yearly for inflation) AgeMaximum Deduction (2004) <40 $260 41-50$490 51-60$980 61-70$2,600 71+$3,250

22 22 Tax-Qualified vs. Non-Qualified Tax Qualified (TQ) Premiums deductible, in certain circumstances Benefits tax free Disability expected to last at least 90 days Cannot use “medical necessity” as basis for paying benefits Non-Qualified (NQ) Premiums not tax deductible No IRS decision on whether benefits are taxable as income Can cover short-term disability (< 90 days) Can use “medical necessity” as basis for benefits

23 23 Tax-Qualified vs. Non-Qualified (continued) Tax Qualified (TQ) Must use at least 5 of the 6 ADLs and cannot require loss of more than 3 ADLs as basis for paying benefits Severe cognitive loss as basis for benefits Non-Qualified (NQ) Does not have to base benefits on ADL loss Does not have to use cognitive loss as basis for benefits and no prescribed definition of cognitive loss

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