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 The anatomy of the Plantar Fascia  What is Plantar Fasciitis  Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis  Diagnosis for Plantar Fasciitis  Treatments for Plantar.

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2  The anatomy of the Plantar Fascia  What is Plantar Fasciitis  Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis  Diagnosis for Plantar Fasciitis  Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis  Preventing Plantar Fasciitis  Lifestyles that cause Plantar Fasciitis

3  A ligament that runs along the plantar aspect of the foot.  Originates at calcaneus  Inserts at the metatarsals

4  The pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia

5  Slow developing pain  Acute pain after intense activity  Tenderness over plantar fascia  Stiffness  Swelling  Redness

6 Pain worst with:  First steps in the morning  After sitting/standing for long time  Climbing stairs  After intense activity

7  Physical Examination  X-Ray to rule out other causes of pain

8  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAIDS) › Ibuprofen/Aleve  Pain reducer › Acetaminophen/Tylenol  Rest  Ice

9  Stretching/ Massaging  Night Splint  Arch supports/ Heel cups  Steroid shots  Surgery



12  Flexibility of: › Ankle › Achilles tendon › Plantar Fascia › Calf muscles

13  Flat feet/ High arch  Long- distance running  Running on uneven surfaces  Tight Achilles  Poor arch support

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