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1 What Happens Next? The Employment Prospects of STEM Graduates Peter Olaf LOOMS Digital Accessibility in Higher and Further Education Conference 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What Happens Next? The Employment Prospects of STEM Graduates Peter Olaf LOOMS Digital Accessibility in Higher and Further Education Conference 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What Happens Next? The Employment Prospects of STEM Graduates Peter Olaf LOOMS Digital Accessibility in Higher and Further Education Conference 2016 Unlocking Student Potential in Higher & Further Education Thursday 7 April 2016 British Computer Society

2 2 The question What actions can universities take to enhance the employability of STEM graduates that have disabilities?

3 3 The topics I would like to address What is the current situation? The employment prospects for persons with disabilities What do we currently do? A case story: Kyle Schwaneke What options do we have? Actions for enhancing employment prospects in higher and further education

4 4 What is the current situation? What do we mean by ‘disabilities’?

5 5 Disabilities User Body functions & structure Impairment Impairment Source: WHO (2001) The International Classifcation of Functioning. Disability and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization

6 6 Disabilities User Task Participation Activity (actions & tasks) Body functions & structure Capabilities Access Provisions Source: figure based on WHO (2001) The International Classifcation of Functioning. Disability and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization Environment The user experience from start to finish in HFE? Building on existing strengths? Contextual accessibility?

7 7 Which disabilities? Deafne ss Blindness Neuro- diversity Impaired Hearing Impaired Sight Impaired Cognition Impaired Dexterity/ Mobility :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) (impairments)

8 8 Which disabilities? Deafne ss Blindness Mobility :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) :):) (impairments)

9 9 16-20% Prevalence of disabilities in official statistics

10 10 A case story: Deafness and impaired hearing Persons who have hearing impairments Persons who were born deaf Persons who become deaf Sir George Martin, producer of The Beatles

11 11 21% 26% Danish study of hearing loss (2012) activity and participation restrictions Source: Looms, Peter Olaf (2013). Chapter 10. Standardization of Audiovisual Media Accessibility - From vision to reality in: Pradipta Biswas, Carlos Duarte, Luis Almeida, Pat Langdon and Christoph Jung (Editors) A Multimodal End-2-End approach to Accessible Computing. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

12 12 Hearing loss (WHO) 100% ≈ 7.2 billion people millon don’t have millon have

13 13 Unemployment (18-65) UN fact sheet 1: Employment of persons with disabilities DPI/2486 November 2007 EU: unemployment Working population

14 14 Unemployment (18-65) Persons with disabilities EU: unemployment 2-3 times greater UN fact sheet 1: Employment of persons with disabilities DPI/2486 November 2007

15 15 Inclusion Source

16 16 Exclusion Source 16

17 17 Exclusion Source:

18 18 The challenge Source: Deafne ss Blindness Motor

19 19 From exclusion to inclusion The hierarchy of digital accessibility Digital literacy Usability Accessibility Affordability Availability exclusion inclusion Identify, prioritise, eliminate or mitigate barriers to inclusion Source: LI, Dongxiao and Peter Looms (2012) Source: LI, Dongxiao and Peter Looms (2012) based on inputs from WHO/World Bank (2011)

20 20 Post HFE: the current options Sheltered employment persons with disabilities work in a segregated environment under supervision. Supported employment persons with disabilities supported throughout the job-seeking process aiming for employment with competitive wages. Customised employment person-centred approach starting with needs, aspirations, talents and skills. Source: Gottlieb A, Myhill WN, Blanck P. (2010). Employment of People with Disabilities. In: JH Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Available online:

21 21 Cost - Benefit Cost of exclusion - societal - economic - quality of life - cost of digital accessibility in HFE - cost of employment actions for PWD

22 22 Cost - Benefit Benefits of inclusion - societal - employers - persons with disabilities - benefits of digital accessibility in HFE - benefits of employment actions for PWD

23 23 The case of Kyle Schwaneke 23 Source:

24 24 The case of Kyle Schwaneke Source: gamestu dio out of work x-box primary and secondary

25 25 The case of Kyle Schwaneketertiary gamestu dio out of work x-box primary and secondary Barriers availability - affordability - accessibility - usability - digital literacy - ignorance of the problems & options Support actions general awareness of human diversity as an asset, not a burden - highlight what can be done - enhance social networks

26 26 Actions for enhancing employment in higher & further educationtertiaryemployment primary and secondary Barriers availability - affordability - accessibility - usability - digital literacy - ignorance of the problems & options Sheltered employment Supported employment Customised employmentILO's twin tracks- Break down barriers- Inclusion in mainstream society

27 27 Actions for enhancing employment in higher & further educationtertiaryemployment primary and secondary Barriers availability - affordability - accessibility - usability - digital literacy - ignorance of the problems & options Support actions general awareness of human diversity as an asset & not a burden student counseling - sustainable funding options - digital accessibility for teaching/learning using standards (eg. W3C) - test solutions - university research (evidence for accessibility policy & strategy) - awareness-building of university & HR staff

28 28 22 Employment requires digital accessibility - and more... Employment requires digital accessibility - and more... 28

29 29 Identify, prioritise and tackle the weakest links in the user experience at educational institutions

30 30 Resources (general) Gottlieb A, Myhill WN, Blanck P. 2010. Employment of People with Disabilities. In: JH Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Available online: ILO. Disability inclusion strategy and action plan 2014-17: a twin- track approach of mainstreaming and disability-specific actions / International Labour Office. - Geneva: ILO, 2015 ISBN 978-92- 2-129423-8 (print) ISBN 978-92-2-129424-5 (web pdf) Sanchez, Jeannette. Moving towards disability inclusion: Stories of change / International Labour Office. - Geneva: ILO, 2015 UN Unemployment Fact Sheets (2007) World Health Organization 2011. World report on disability 2011. WHO & World Bank. w report-disability ISBN 978 92 4 156418 2 w

31 31 Resources (media accessibility) Looms, Peter Olaf. Mapping Digital Media: Gatekeeping in Digital Media. Open Society Institute Published August 2011. Looms, Peter Olaf. Making Television Accessible. November 2011. International Telecommunication Union/G3ict, Geneva. Published as UCZYNIĆ TELEWIZJE ̨ DOSTE ̨ PNA ̨ by the President of Poland in April, 2012 and in an abridged version by The Centre for Internet and Society, India in December, 2012. The report is currently available in French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian, in addition to English (original version) and Polish. Please download the relevant version: 2 2 Looms, Peter Olaf. Case histories on accessibility legislation in Argentina, Brazil, Chile in Narasimhan, Nirmita. Making Mobile Phones and services accessible for Persons with disabilities. A joint report of ITU – The International Telecommunication Union and G3ict – The global initiative for inclusive ICTs. August 2012 Looms, Peter Olaf (2013). Chapter 10. Standardization of Audiovisual Media Accessibility - From vision to reality in: Pradipta Biswas, Carlos Duarte, Luis Almeida, Pat Langdon and Christoph Jung (Editors) A Multimodal End-2-End approach to Accessible Computing. Springer Verlag. Looms, Peter Olaf (2014) Making TV accessible in the 21st century. in Liu, Yu-li and Robert Picard (editors). The Digital Media and New Media Platforms: Policy and Marketing Strategies. Routledge Press. Li, Dongxiao and Looms, Peter Olaf (2014). Media Accessibility: Conception, Model and Designing. China Media Report Volume. 50, No.2, April 2014. Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, PRC. Looms, Peter Olaf (2014). Online manual on media accessibility for decision-makers. ITU-T, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland. Manuscript: Li, Dongxiao and Looms, Peter Olaf (2015). Chapter 13. Television accessibility in China in: Pradipta Biswas, Carlos Duarte, Luis Almeida, Pat Langdon and Christoph Jung (Editors) A Multimodal End-2-End approach to Accessible Computing (second edition). Springer Verlag Bitwas, Pradipta and Peter Olaf Looms (2016). From Disability to Capability: Strategies for Reconciling Solutions for All. Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1081/E-ECST2-120054033. (in press)

32 32 International Telecommunication Union Barrier-Free Digital Television 25 May 2011 European Commission Thank you! Contact particulars: Peter Olaf Looms Ellesvinget 25 DK-2950 Vedbæk Denmark E: M: +45 51 56 75 46 Skype: pol-denmark Wechat: peterolaflooms

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