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Park Land Dedication Guidelines. Purpose of the Presentation Outline the proposed process to provide guidance to the Park Board & City Council on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Park Land Dedication Guidelines. Purpose of the Presentation Outline the proposed process to provide guidance to the Park Board & City Council on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Park Land Dedication Guidelines

2 Purpose of the Presentation Outline the proposed process to provide guidance to the Park Board & City Council on the acceptance of park land.

3 Strategic Alignment

4 Background Current Subdivision Ordinance states that the City should consider the “characteristics” in the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan Need to improve current design standards/ location criteria 2030 Land Use Plan – Park function & maintenance responsibility

5 Recommendations Provide detailed selection/location in the Southlake 2030 Plan – Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan Amend the Zoning Ordinance to require that the park type and maintenance plan be included as part of the zoning.

6 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Process Master Plan Development Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan Amend Section 5 of the Master Plan Adopt the Plan

7 Design Standards

8 Guidelines to be considered when reviewing all park land dedication requests: The city's policies for the development of parks and recreation facilities The city's policies for the development of parks and recreation facilities The topography, geology, access, and location of land in the subdivision that is suitable for the development or renovation of parks and recreation facilities The topography, geology, access, and location of land in the subdivision that is suitable for the development or renovation of parks and recreation facilities The size and shape of the subdivision and land available for dedication The size and shape of the subdivision and land available for dedication The location of existing or proposed park sites and trails. The location of existing or proposed park sites and trails.

9 Characteristics of land to be considered for park land dedication : Land to be dedicated should not be of such size, shape or location as to make the development of the subdivision unfeasible, and shall permit the balance of the subdivision to be developed in an orderly and efficient manner. Land to be dedicated should not be of such size, shape or location as to make the development of the subdivision unfeasible, and shall permit the balance of the subdivision to be developed in an orderly and efficient manner. Land should be at least one-half (1/2) acre in size, excluding hillsides over a ten (10) percent grade, riparian set back areas and environmental mitigation areas. Dedication of land less than one-half (1/2) acre may be accepted if the land to be dedicated is located adjacent to an existing or planned park facility or recreational facility. Land should be at least one-half (1/2) acre in size, excluding hillsides over a ten (10) percent grade, riparian set back areas and environmental mitigation areas. Dedication of land less than one-half (1/2) acre may be accepted if the land to be dedicated is located adjacent to an existing or planned park facility or recreational facility. Land should be gradable to create a sufficiently flat area of less than three (3) percent grade in any direction. Land should be gradable to create a sufficiently flat area of less than three (3) percent grade in any direction. Land should be located adjacent to a public street in order to promote public safety and facilitate policing. Land should be located adjacent to a public street in order to promote public safety and facilitate policing.

10 Areas not generally considered as suitable park land: Detention or retention areasDetention or retention areas Land within floodplain and floodway designated areasLand within floodplain and floodway designated areas Areas encumbered by overhead utility lines or easements of any type which might limit the opportunity for park and recreation facility development.Areas encumbered by overhead utility lines or easements of any type which might limit the opportunity for park and recreation facility development. Sites encumbered by hazardous and/or municipal waste materials or dump sites.Sites encumbered by hazardous and/or municipal waste materials or dump sites.

11 Other recommendation items to consider include: Park Maintenance - Seek HOA responsibility in perpetuity for landscape maintenance and utility requirements for neighborhood parks (larger areas may be a combination of City and HOA maintenance or solely the responsibility of the City dependent upon size and intended use) Park Maintenance - Seek HOA responsibility in perpetuity for landscape maintenance and utility requirements for neighborhood parks (larger areas may be a combination of City and HOA maintenance or solely the responsibility of the City dependent upon size and intended use) Fee Credit Balance – No carry forward of credits is allowed Fee Credit Balance – No carry forward of credits is allowed Credit for Private Parks - Credits for private parks and amenities may never satisfy more than 50% of the total park and open space dedication requirements. The Board may, if desired, select only those items it feels are needed from those proposed by the developer, and grant partial credit up to a maximum of 50% Credit for Private Parks - Credits for private parks and amenities may never satisfy more than 50% of the total park and open space dedication requirements. The Board may, if desired, select only those items it feels are needed from those proposed by the developer, and grant partial credit up to a maximum of 50%

12 Zoning Ordinance Amend these following Zoning Districts: R-PUD ECZ TZD SP-1& 2 DT

13 Zoning Ordinance Process Master Plan Development Southlake 2030 Land Use Plan Staff prepare Zoning Amendments Adopt the Amendments

14 Questions?

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