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Cleopatra By Anna Jacoby. Introduction Cleopatra was one of the most famous Egyptian rulers of all times. She is still famous today there have been shake.

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1 Cleopatra By Anna Jacoby

2 Introduction Cleopatra was one of the most famous Egyptian rulers of all times. She is still famous today there have been shake spire plays about her, a famous movie came out based on her. She was the last ruler of Egypt. Watch my power point to learn more about Cleopatra

3 What was she like Fun fact this is what they thing Cleopatra Cleopatra was a young beautiful queen Before Cleopatra became queen she learned many thing such us science math language and philosophy She was a great leader and she did not just sit o her thrown but she help fight battles She was the first in her family to learn Greek and Egyptian fluently. She also wrote a book. She also had a dark side she brought locusts into Egypt and killed lots of people and was clamed to be racist

4 Cleopatra is Cleopatra the 7 th ( VII ) Her family has been ruling for over 300 years and they are of Greek descendants. Her sister Berenice ruled before her after Berenice stopped ruling her dad did Cleopatra dad died when she was only 18. That was Cleopatra started ruling !!!! Although her dad wanted her to rule with her 10 year old brother named Ptolemy XIII (13) Cleopatra did not like her brother Her brother had many service's for him and he ate a lot Cleopatra family history

5 Mark Antony was a roman general He married Cleopatra in 36 B.C. He had fives different wife's Cleopatra was his fifth wife He married Cleopatra and had 3 different kid with her The kids were Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II who were twins and they had there last kid Ptolemy Philadelphus With all five wife's he had 7 kids Mark Antony

6 creaser Julius was a general of Rome. It was only when he was 31 he started fighting in wars Creaser had a first wife named Cornelia but they divorced He was over 30 years older than Cleopatra Creaser and Cleopatra had a kid name Caesarion which means “little Creaser” Julius Creaser

7 the wars As you all ready know Cleopatra was the last ruler after she died the empire fell apart and was ruled by Rome. Her and Mark Antony tried to conquer Rome. and She was at a big war and she loosed after the war she … Katy Perry as Cleopatra

8 Cleopatra committed suicide by taking a poisons snake and that snake bit her and she died. Cleopatra is in a tomb with Mark Antony in a site near Alexandria Egypt Archeologist they find the area where he was buried Her death and tomb


10 ple/groups/mark-antony-and- cleopatra ple/groups/mark-antony-and- cleopatra http://www.historicmysteries.c om/where-is-the-tomb-of- cleopatra-and-mark-antony/http://www.historicmysteries.c om/where-is-the-tomb-of- cleopatra-and-mark-antony/ The book “Cleopatra rules” leopatra-vii-9250984 leopatra-vii-9250984 cleopatra-biography.html cleopatra-biography.html nt-history/cleopatra nt-history/cleopatra 0/07/05/how-did-cleopatra-really- die/ 0/07/05/how-did-cleopatra-really- die/ Sites

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