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RAH Day 24 Enduring Understanding(s) Richard Nixon’s administration was characterized by calculated political decisions both in terms of domestic and.

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2 RAH Day 24 Enduring Understanding(s) Richard Nixon’s administration was characterized by calculated political decisions both in terms of domestic and foreign policy, and a paranoia which eventually led to his downfall in the Watergate scandal. Essential Questions 1.How did events during the Vietnam war effect one another? 2.How did U.S. involvement in Vietnam end? 3.Explain examples of paradox in Nixon’s foreign and domestic policy. 4.How did the war in Vietnam and Watergate result in less public trust of the government?

3 Timeline Discussion 1.What broad trends can you see from the timeline? Why do you think these occur? 2.What direct connections can you make between events on the timeline? 3.What would you say are the five most important events on this timeline in terms of U.S. involvement? Rank them in order and give reasons

4 Trends 1.U.S. gets increasingly more involved especially during period of 1965-1973. This is from escalation until Paris Peace Accords 2.The U.S. commits increasingly more military actions towards the end of the war 3.The U.S. shifts from indirect to direct action as their involvement continues

5 Timeline Events: Connections Ho Chi Minh Independence Indochina War U.S. Supports France Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords Free Elections U.S. support of Diem Creation of Viet Cong Buddhist monk burnings Assassination of Diem Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Operation Rolling Thunder LBJ ends draft deferments Michigan Teach-In Fulbright Hearings Tet Offensive Public support of war turns LBJ does not seek reelection My Lai Massacre Vietnamization Policy Operation Menu Operation Duck Hook “Silent Majority” Speech Cambodian Invasion Kent State Shootings Pentagon Papers Published Linebacker I & II Paris Peace Accords Fall of Saigon

6 Timeline Events: Importance Ho Chi Minh Independence Indochina War U.S. Supports France Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords Free Elections U.S. support of Diem Creation of Viet Cong Buddhist monk burnings Assassination of Diem Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Operation Rolling Thunder LBJ ends draft deferments Michigan Teach-In Fulbright Hearings Tet Offensive Public support of war turns LBJ does not seek reelection My Lai Massacre Vietnamization Policy Operation Menu Operation Duck Hook “Silent Majority” Speech Cambodian Invasion Kent State Shootings Pentagon Papers Published Linebacker I & II Paris Peace Accords Fall of Saigon

7 Paris Peace Accords Ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam zConditions: 1. U.S. to remove all troops 2. North Vietnam could leave troops already in S.V. 3. VC will be part of political solution 4. General Thieu will remain as President of RVN 5. POWs must be returned 6. Democratic elections will be held Results: zLast American troops left South Vietnam on March 29, 1973 zNorth Vietnam would resume war z1975: North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam zSaigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City

8 South Vietnamese Attempt to Flee the Country The Fall of Saigon

9 America Abandons Its Embassy April 30, 1975 The Fall of Saigon

10 North Vietnamese at the Presidential Palace The Fall of Saigon

11 Formerly Saigon A United Vietnam

12 Discussion Questions Packet pp. 2-3 Complete assigned questions in groups using your textbooks Be prepared to share answers with your classmates. Textbook pgs. 246-268 Did these policies validate the Vital Center?

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