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In what ways does news reporting affect your life? Your neighborhood? Your school? Why are some events considered news in one place, but not another?

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Presentation on theme: "In what ways does news reporting affect your life? Your neighborhood? Your school? Why are some events considered news in one place, but not another?"— Presentation transcript:


2 In what ways does news reporting affect your life? Your neighborhood? Your school? Why are some events considered news in one place, but not another? How does the use of a specific language affect consumers?

3 Selling the News

4 Where are newspapers found? How many newspapers are there? (in the world? in the U.S? in Maryland?) What about in Howard County/Columbia? (about five depending where you live in Howard County – The Howard County Times/Columbia Flier, and four free newspapers)

5  You will be given a list of names (in newspaper jargon, flags) of major newspapers from across the United States. It is your job to determine the message behind the flag. For instance, The Star could be named that because it’s reporting gets a gold star, the best, or it could be because stars shine light as a newspaper shines light on many subjects.  Get started, and try your best to determine the story behind the flag.  For some flags you might need to look up a key word in the dictionary.

6  Directions: Each team should guess an answer  Number your paper 1-20

7  What is the average daily newspaper cost in the United States today?  50¢  99¢  $1.25

8  How much per year is a weekly subscription to the Baltimore Sun?  $112  $175  $182

9  How many Braille newspapers are there in the world?  None  38  78

10  Where is the most circulated newspaper in the world located? (The Yomiuri Shimbun - more than 14 million copies daily)  England  Japan  U.S.

11  Where was the world’s first newspaper printed?  England  France  Germany (1605 by Johann Carolus in Strassburg, Germany)

12  What are newspapers made of?  all wood fiber  Fiber combination  All recycled materials (a combination of recycled material and wood pulp. It is not intended to last very long.)

13  How many trees have to be cut down to produce the Sunday newspapers each week?  500,000  700,000  1 million

14  When was the first American newspaper published?  1610  1690  1730 (Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic, lasted only one edition. Benjamin Harris published it in Boston on September 25, 1690)

15  Who was the publisher of the first American newspaper?  Ben Franklin  Ben Harris  Patrick Henry

16  A newspaper can be printed in how many sizes?  two  three  four (broadsheet - 29.3x29.5”; Berliner - 18.5x12.4”; tabloid – 16.9x11”; compact – same as tabloid)

17  What is the paper used to make newspapers called?  newsprint  paper  newspaper

18  What is a person who writes a daily column in a newspaper called?  columnist  correspondent  reporter (A column is a regular feature in a publication; is personality-driven by the author; and, explicitly contains an opinion or point of view)

19  What invention more than any other helped develop newspapers? (Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany circa 1439)  printing typeface  printing trays  printing press

20  One of the awards given for outstanding journalism is the  Nobel  Oscar  Pulitzer

21  AP is a news gathering organization. AP stands for … (It was created in 1846 when five New York City newspapers got together to fund a pony express route through Alabama in order to bring news of the Mexican War north more quickly than the U.S. Post Office.)  Association of Publishers  Applied Press  Academy of Professional Reporters

22  True or False? AP reporters once delivered news by pigeon.  True  False

23  Reporting the facts of a story without adding personal opinions.  neutrality  objectivity  subjectivity

24  Up-to-the-minute news and events stories that are reported in newspapers are known as –  hard news  factual news  important news

25  Who owns a newspaper (company)?  Privately owned  Stock holders  US government (With very few exceptions, all the newspapers in the U.S. are privately owned, either by large chains such as; by small chains that own a handful of papers; or in a situation that is increasingly rare, by individuals or families.

26  Which newspaper has won the most journalism awards?  Chicago Tribune  New York Times  Washington Post (Since 1918, the New York Times has won 108 Pulitzer Prizes in a range of categories.)

27  How much of the daily newspaper is devoted to advertising? ¼¼ ½½  2/3 (Over half of every newspaper is advertising. Almost as bad as TV where commercial breaks now last more than three and a half minutes. More than two-thirds of the huge and heavy Sunday brick is advertising and stuffers and lap cards (those pesky little cards that fall out when you pick it up).

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