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Newspapers Welcome to Unit 2 Seminar. Tonight’s Agenda History of Newspaper Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Content.

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Presentation on theme: "Newspapers Welcome to Unit 2 Seminar. Tonight’s Agenda History of Newspaper Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newspapers Welcome to Unit 2 Seminar

2 Tonight’s Agenda History of Newspaper Newspaper Advertising Newspaper Content

3 History of the newspaper Newspapers were originally hand written First true newspaper was in 1666, in England First American newspaper was printed in Boston in 1690. However, it was destroyed because it was printed without permission. First successful American paper was published in 1704. Newspaper explosion happened in 1830’s due to advancements in printing and papermaking. By 1910, newspapers were much like they are today.

4 Types of Papers National Daily Newspapers Wall Street Journal Christian Science Monitor USA Today Large Metropolitan Dailies Suburban and Small Town Dailies Weekly and Semi-weekly The Ethnic Press The Alternative and Dissident Press

5 Newspaper Content 65% of your newspapers is dedicated to advertising 35% of your paper is allocated to a hybrid of international news, state and regional news, sports, business news, farm and weather reports, and human interest and consumer material

6 Credibility: Believability of the source by the receiver Trustworthiness: Based on receivers judgment Expertise: Determined by the source’s credentials The newspaper industry wants to be viewed as a credible source of information because it cannot prosper unless people believe what they read. Without credibility, anyone who reads news stories will wonder if they are true. How would you rate the credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise of your local paper?

7 Agenda-Setting Theory Mass-news media has an impact on audiences by choosing what stories to cover and how much time and space to give those stories. Mass media “transfers” the importance of items from their mass agendas to the agenda of their audiences. The newspapers don’t tell us WHAT to think they tell us what to think ABOUT.

8 126 newspaper chains control 82% of daily newspaper circulation, own the 9 biggest circulation papers in the country own 1,200 of the nation’s 1,500 dailies

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