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Warming up How many different forms of news media do you know?

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2 Warming up How many different forms of news media do you know?

3 radio newspaper TV programmes News Media internet magazine

4 Which form do you prefer if you want to know what happens around us even abroad? And why?

5 The Americans commemorate ( 纪念 ) the fifth anniversary of 9.11 event.

6 Directed by Feng Xiaogang, The Banquet gives its first show In Beijing.

7 The world’s best tennis player Roger Federer won the champion Of American Tennis Public for a third time.

8 If you’re reporters of a newspaper, which piece of the news would you like to report? Why? I would rather choose… Maybe it would be better to... Our readers want to know about… Perhaps… is more important. Can you give a headline for you report? What else will you do to finish the report?


10 1.What the title “Behind the Headlines” mean? novel( 小说 ) poem (诗歌) prose (散文) report critics (评论) 2. Which is the style of the passage? The title tells us that the text is about editors and reporters’ work and how the news is made and written.

11 Scan the passage and find out: Which questions in pre-reading are answered in the text? How does a reporter decide what to write? How do newspapers help us understand the world?

12 editors & reporters Interview, interviewer, interviewee headline informed talented intelligent honest experienced patient Think of some words related to editors and reporters

13 What is a reporter’s work like and what is an editor’s work like according to Chen Ying and Zhu Lin. Read para.1-3 carefully and silently Reporter: discuss, contact, interview, write Editor: discuss, listen, suggest

14 Discussion: How is a newspaper made? Discussion: How is a newspaper made?

15 1. Experienced ________ and __________discuss what __________ to report and ______ to report them. After they ______________, reporters begin to work. editors reporters events how make decisions

16 2. Reporters contact people whom they are going to ___________ and prepare ___________. After the interview, reporters _______ their stories and ______________ them to the________. interview questions write hand/present editor

17 3. _______ check the writing and make any necessary__________. Editors also write ___________ for stories. 4. The time for __________ newspapers has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machine. Editors changes headlines printing

18 Read para.4-7 carefully and silently 1.As a reporter, what is Chen Ying’s favorite article she has written? What about Zhu Lin’s? 2. What do they want to write? According to their answers, can you tell what styles of the two reporters are, realistic( 现实主义 ) or romantic( 浪漫主义 )?

19 Read para.8 carefully and silently What’s the main idea of the last paragraph? How can the news media help in our daily life?

20 Debate Famous people are often asked for their opinions on current affairs. Why do people want to hear their opinions? Should we listen to them? For example, if a film or sports star is asked to comment on a “hot topic”, do their opinions matter?

21 Work in groups of four and make a newspaper. Divide the roles as chief editor, picture editor, and reporters.

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