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Work in groups of four and give some examples of magazines and newspapers.

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4 Work in groups of four and give some examples of magazines and newspapers.

5 politics

6 finance economy

7 daily life

8 English study

9 things people are concerned about

10 fashion magazine

11 Match these words with the numbered items in the illustration of the newspaper and magazine. article front cover front page headline photograph

12 front cover front page headline photograph article

13 Read the words and divide them into these groups. A. people who work on newspapers and magazines. B. types of news items you can find in newspapers and magazines. Example: celebrity news

14 business celebrity economy editor fashion politics sport international journalist photographer A.people: editor, journalist, photographer B.types of news item: business, celebrity, economy, fashion, international politics, sport

15 Think of a recent example of one of the types of news. Tell other students about it. Add details to other students’ news items. Example: Student A: Celebrity news: Jennifer Lopez visited China last week. Student B: She visited Shanghai and Hong Kong.


17 Do you know what it is? spacesuit

18 Yang Liwei is ready to fly into space.

19 Yang Liwei is in space.

20 Taikonaut is teaching physics from space.

21 Yang Liwei comes back on the earth.

22 Complete the passage with these words. A(n) _________ is a person who travels into space. The word comes from the Greek words astron (which means “star”) and nautes (which means “sailor”). A Russian astronaut is a(n) __________. astronaut cosmonaut astronaut cosmonaut navigator taikonaut universe

23 The Russain word kosmonavt comes from the Greek words kosmos, meaning _______ and nautes. A Chinese astronaut is sometimes called ________, from the Chinese word taikong, which means “space”. Chinese newspapers use the expression yuhangyuan, which means “space ________.” universe taikonaut navigator

24 Read the subheadings. Predict what the article is about. A Conversations in Space B October 16th, 2003 C Congratulations from Around the World China’s first man in space

25 Read the article and match the subheadings with the paragraphs. Conversations in Space Part1 October 16th, 2003 Part2 Congratulations from Around the World Part3

26 Read the first part of the article and make questions to match the following answers. 1. Shengzhou V 2. Jiuquan What was the name of the capsule? Where did Yang Liwei take off from?

27 3. 437 4. 26000 How many people had travelled in space before Yang? How many days have astronauts spent in space in total?

28 Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1.The taikonaut was in space for twenty- one hours. 2. One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China. 3. The other man aboard the Space Station is a Russian cosmonaut. F F T

29 4. China received messages of congratulations from all over the world. 5. Sean O’Keefe works for the United Nations. 6. Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news just for China. T F F

30 Please read the text carefully and choose the best answers. 1. The taikonaut Yang was in space for _____ hours. A. 21 B. 21.5 C. 22 D. 22.5

31 2. In total, the astronauts all over the world have spent _____ days in space. A. less than 438 B. less than 26, 000 C. over 438 D. over 26, 000

32 Discuss these questions in groups of four. 1. Do you remember the news about Yang Liwei in October, 2003? 2. How did you find out about it? (a) From TV / radio. (b) From a newspaper / magazine. (c) From a person (friend, family…). (d) From the Internet.

33 3. What were your feelings when you heard the news? 4. Do you think China should continue with its space program? 5. Would you like to travel into space?

34 Write a report Who: Mr. Wang from N0. 5 senior high Where: in Zhongshi Senior High When: June 5th 2013 What: The Contest of Teaching Who: Zhai Zhigang Where: Shenzhou Ⅶ When: September What: fulfill the spacewalk

35 Do exercises 5-9 on page 92.


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