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What You Will Learn Today – 24 topics in SHIFT proven to “speak to” all real estate professionals – How to apply the twelve tactics to grow your agent.

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3 What You Will Learn Today – 24 topics in SHIFT proven to “speak to” all real estate professionals – How to apply the twelve tactics to grow your agent business 2

4 What is SHIFT really about? The foundational skills needed during a shifted market that will sustain real estate careers through all times. 3

5 QUIZ—Fill in the Blank SHIFT: The Twelve Tactics Workbook Pg. 1 4

6 The 24 Topics address key issues for all real estate professionals – Each topic has associated pages in the book. Consider these as the golden pages you need to know. Commit them to memory, tab them, and be prepared to share them. SHIFT: The 24 Topics Workbook Pgs. 2-3 5

7 The available income in a market determines the number of agents in that market. The Law of Equilibrium Pages 13-14 6

8 Tactic #1 Get Real, Get Right— Mindset and Action Page 23 7

9 When the Market Shifts 1.A Mental Shift 2.An Action Shift There are two shifts you must make: Page 23 8

10 A Mental Shift Page 24 Success is never about the chosen few, but always about the few who choose. 9

11 An Action Shift Page 27 Research shows the two actions real estate agents must take personal ownership of … 1.Lead Generation 2.Lead Conversion 10

12 Get Real, Get Right: Exercise 1.Who are your greatest competitors? 2.What are you doing to disrupt them and the market? 3.What actions are you taking to increase your lead generation numbers? 4.What actions are you taking to increase your lead conversion numbers? Workbook Pg. 4 11

13 Tactic #2 Re-Margin Your Business— Expense Management Page 29 12

14 Page 29 The number one determinant of thriving is lead generation, but the number one determinant of surviving is expense management. 13

15 The Cost Plus Principle Page 32 Every dollar spent in your business should return its original amount plus a reasonable profit. 14

16 Tactic #3 Do More with Less— Leverage Page 37 15

17 The Six Core Competencies of a Business Page 38 1.Lead generate, capture, and convert to appointments 2.Present to buyers and sellers and get agreements 3.Show buyers and market sellers 4.Write and negotiate contracts 5.Coordinate the sale to closing 6.Manage the money 16

18 Back to Basics Page 39 To successfully accomplish the Six Core Competencies of a Business you need 1.People 2.Systems 17

19 Leverage Talent: Discussion Pages 42-43 Workbook Pg. 5 1.Turn to page 42 in your book and review Seven Steps to Talent Shift. 2.How could following these steps help you run your business more efficiently? 18

20 Page 44 1.Check references 2.Get a behavioral profile 3.Conduct an in-depth interview 4.Test for knowledge and skills Talent Scouting in Four Steps 19

21 Tactic #4 Find the Motivated— Lead Generation Page 49 20

22 Step 1: Stop Doing What Doesn’t Work Identifying Your Lead Source Zone Page 55 21

23 Identify Your Lead Source Zone: Exercise 1.List all your current lead sources. 2.Now prioritize them from most effective to least effective. 3.Which lead sources have been the most effective for you this month? 4.Be prepared to share and discuss with the instructor and class. Workbook Pg. 6 22

24 Step 2: Figure Out What Works The Two M’s of Lead Generation 1.Message 2.Method Page 57 23

25 The Two M’s of Lead Generation Your message matters, and your message needs a method. Page 58 24

26 Step 3: Ramp It Up Time Block for Lead Generation 1.Time Off/Vacation 2.Lead Generation Time 3.Planning Time Successful people annually time block three things: Pages 72-75 25

27 Anatomy of Three Hours a Day – Prepare—be organized, and uninterruptable. – Take Action—do it. – Maintain—track results and update. Pages 79-80 26

28 Anatomy of Three Hours a Day: Exercise What are some of the activities you do in your 3 hours of lead generation utilizing these three categories: 1)Prepare 2)Take Action 3)Maintain Workbook Pg. 7 27

29 Tactic #5 Get to the Table— Lead Conversion Page 83 28

30 The Lead Conversion Process Page 87 29

31 Capture Capturing should always focus on getting enough information from someone so that you can contact them. Page 89 30

32 Connect Your connecting must feel natural and allow you to assess their needs and establish a close relationship. Page 94 31

33 The Six Connection Questions 1.Who are they? 2.What do they want or need to do? 3.Where do they want or need to do it? 4.Why do they want or need to do it? 5.When do they want or need to do it? 6.How do they plan to do it? Page 95 32

34 Close Your closing will seem effortless and will likely lead to a decision to meet. Page 98 33

35 Ten Classic Closes 1.The Hard Close 2.The Soft Close 3.The Direct Close 4.The Indirect Close 5.The Trial Close Pages 100-102 6.The Assumptive Close 7.The Negative-Positive Close 8.The Take Back Close 9.The Tie Down Close 10.The Alternative Choice Close 34

36 Cultivating Leads for Future Conversion Page 104 35

37 Cultivation The specific and purposeful application of the 8 x 8 programs (to cement the relationship) and the 33 Touch programs (saturating). More information about both of these programs can be found in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. Page 105 36

38 Take Action: Exercise Workbook Pg. 8 Write down a critical action step you will take to improve your skills for each of these lead generation activities: 1.Capturing 2.Connecting 3.Closing 4.Cultivating 37

39 Tactic #6 Catch People in Your Web— Internet Lead Conversion Page 109 38

40 The Internet Lead Generation Model Page 112 39

41 The Internet Lead Generation Model Page 112 1.Create and Maintain an Internet Presence – Professional design – Points of Contact – Compelling Domain Name – Key Tools for both Buyers and Sellers 40

42 The Internet Lead Generation Model Pages 116-118 2.Lead Generate for Traffic – Search engine placement/optimization  Obtain local, specific domain names that matter in your market – Targeted, offline marketing  Incorporate your website into all your existing low- tech lead generation materials 41

43 The Internet Lead Generation Model Pages 121-126 3.Capture, Connect, Cultivate, and Close Leads – Be intentional about capturing enough useful information with the Internet – Speed of response time is critical to connecting with and closing your customer – Online cultivation is akin to having an “Internet farm” 42

44 Tactic #7 Price Ahead of the Market— Seller Pricing Strategies Page 135 43

45 The Tale of Two Markets Graph Page 150 45

46 Seven Maxims for Pricing in a Shifted Market 1.Be a student of your market—know your numbers. 2.Focus your main comps on actives—pendings and solds may already be out of date. 3.Be a student of property—preview them so you understand what is selling and why. 4.Keep your presentation as current as possible—let your ongoing research do the talking. Page 156 46 Continued …

47 Seven Maxims for Pricing in a Shifted Market (cont.) 5.Prequalify for motivation—sellers who most need to sell, sell most often. 6.Price ahead of the market—to avoid chasing it. 7.Always secure price reductions in advance—to avoid falling behind the market. Page 156 47

48 Seize the Opportunity: Discussion Workbook Pg. 9 48 1.Break into groups of five. Consider the following: a.Sellers must decide if they really need or want to sell. b.Your job is to show them how to make it happen. For discussion: How would you go about doing this? What would it look like? c.Once they’ve seen how the market works, they must decide what they want to do. For discussion: How would you demonstrate how the market works?

49 Tactic #8 Stand Out From the Competition— Seller Staging Strategies Page 157 49

50 From Curb Appeal to Closing the Deal The “3P-2F Formula” PlantingsFixtures PaintFurnishings Pictures Page 162 50

51 The Staging Model Page 163 51

52 Tactic #9 Create Urgency— Overcoming Buyer Reluctance Page 167 52

53 Understanding Urgency When first meeting a potential buyer, three fundamental things you want to understand about them: Page 173 1.Their ability to buy now 2.Their readiness to buy now 3.Their willingness to buy now 53

54 Three Ways to Energize Buyer Urgency 1.Become the Local Economist of Choice 2.Help Them Tap into Their Why 3.Address Buyer Reluctance Page 178 54

55 Four Strategies to Overcome Buyer Reluctance 1.Why Wait—The Hazards of Timing the Market 2.Trade Up—The Opportunity of a Down Market 3.Less Is More—Narrowing the Field 4.Find a Best Buy—Get While the Getting’s Good Page 188 55

56 Overcome Reluctance: Exercise 1.What tools and strategies do you utilize to overcome buyer reluctance? Workbook Pg. 10 56

57 Tactic #10 Expand the Options— Creative Financing Page 197 57

58 The Three Areas of Creative Financing Page 200 58

59 Tactic #11 Master the Market of the Moment— Short Sales, Forclosures, and REOs Page 223 59

60 Three Markets of the Moment 1.Short Sales—individuals or families trying to avoid foreclosure 2.Foreclosures—bargain hunters and investors seeking to buy value 3.REOs—financial institutions with an above average number of foreclosures to sell Page 225 60

61 Utilize Markets of the Moment : Discussion Workbook Pg. 11 How can you utilize the Markets of the Moment to acquire more business? 61

62 Tactic #12 Bulletproof the Transaction— Issues and Solutions Page 241 62

63 The Six Bulletproofing the Transaction Issues Page 246 1.Inspections and Repairs 2.Appraisals 3.Loan Approval and Funding 4.Other Contingencies 5.Co-op Agent 6.Deadlines 63

64 Bulletproofing Strategies 1.Proactive Prevention – Outcome Framing – Setting Expectations – Preparing Alternatives 2.Early Response – Constant Communication – Inspecting Expectations – Problem Solving – Contract-to-Close Tracking Page 262 64

65 Bulletproof the Transaction: Exercise 1.What are the top three transaction issues you deal with in your business? 2.List the solutions you have in place, or will put in place, that ensure all your business transactions go smoothly. Workbook Pg. 12 65

66 Put It All Together: Scavenger Hunt QUIZ 1.For this quiz, use your SHIFT book to find key sections and answers. 2.Be sure to write down the page number(s) where you found your answers. Workbook Pgs. 13-18 66

67 Thank you for being here! Don’t forget to fill out your evaluation!

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