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Yurugu culturally responsive pedagogy. The Classroom According to Yatvin (2004) a round table can provide personal space for four students and small-group.

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Presentation on theme: "Yurugu culturally responsive pedagogy. The Classroom According to Yatvin (2004) a round table can provide personal space for four students and small-group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yurugu culturally responsive pedagogy

2 The Classroom According to Yatvin (2004) a round table can provide personal space for four students and small-group space for six or eight” (p. 15). There is plenty of space in the middle for large group activities. The side tables are for small group work. Most participants will bring a laptop computer with them, which they can use at the tables for research.

3 Demographics Adults learning and practicing organizational leadership. The number of students will vary from 15-20. The ability levels of are as yet unknown. However, instruction will follow UDL principles, which require making provisions for the widest range of abilities. Most of the participants will be female, some of them will be teachers, managers, and other community leaders. All English language speakers.

4 The differentiated classroom environment plan includes chairs in a circle, so that participants can face each other. This promotes an environment of inclusion and equality.

5 Stage 1 Content Area: Social Studies/History Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA- Literacy.WHST.11-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events.CCSS.ELA- Literacy.WHST.11-12.2

6 Measurable Unit Objectives Students name nine areas of white domination with 100% accuracy Ideology of European world domination through syntax, mind control and Christianity Students ask questions, share answers and new vocabulary effectively in writing and speaking

7 Stage 1 Students will identify nine areas of activity in which cultural imperialism takes place. Students will identify European cultural thought and behavior. Students will begin to compare and contrast the expansion and refinement of white supremacy.

8 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.11-12.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

9 Required Text Ani, M. (2007). Yurugu:An Afrikan-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior. Washington, D.C.: Nkonimfo Publications. Chapter 1: Structuring of ThoughtChapter 2: Religion and IdeologyChapter 9-10: The Ideology of European World Domination

10 Required Text Fuller, N. (1984). The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept. Washington, DC: Neely Fuller, Jr.

11 Online Resources Racism is White Supremacy. (n.d.). Yurugu - Marimba Ani Video. [Video File]. Retrieved from - Marimba Ani Video. Racism is White Supremacy. (n.d.). Dr Marimba Ani On the Afrikan Worldview and Conceptualization. [Video File]. Retrieved from Racism is White Supremacy. (n.d.). Dr Marimba Ani on the ending of european cultural construct “YURUGU.” [Video File]. Retrieved from

12 Stage 2: Learning Assessment Pre-assessment includes multiple intelligences inventory; survey re: nine areas of activity; and white domination. Self-awareness is important to build emotional and social intelligences. Formative Assessment - Do students know vocabulary words and use them accurately? Students should be able to relate content to their lives or other people’s lives and stories. They should be able to recite nine areas of activity, and preparing to share. Do they need help? Do they reflect on their learning? What new knowledge are they creating? How do they want to express their learning? Have they connected real life stories with the concepts? Summative Assessment - students demonstrate learning through presentation or publication. They can use photos, create videos, tell stories, make collages, using Flickr, Gloster, YouTube, or help produce Blog Talk Radio interview with Marimba Ani and Dr. Neely Fuller, Jr., Dr. Yaffa Bey into which they can call and ask questions.

13 Summative Assessment Students name nine areas of white domination with 100% accuracy Ideology of European world domination through syntax, mind control and Christianity Students ask questions, share answers and new vocabulary effectively in writing and speaking

14 Stage 3: Activities and experiences Unit Goal: The final demonstration of mastery driven by CCSS. Day 1: Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this lesson, students will know the 9 areas of activity, and be familiar with the expansion vs. the refinement of white supremacy Activity: Tell circle stories about these experiences of in their own lives. Break into four groups to divide the chapters and present them to the class as a group Formative Assessment: students demonstrate this knowledge through their work. Technology: Self-Regulation

15 Stage 3: Activities and experiences Unit Goal: The final demonstration of mastery driven by CCSS. Day 2: Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this lesson, students will know the 9 areas of activity, and be familiar with the expansion vs. the refinement of white supremacy. They should also be able to articulate some of the cultural foundations of European thought Activity: Tell circle stories about these experiences of in their own lives. Break into four groups to divide the chapters and present them to the class as a group Formative Assessment: students demonstrate this knowledge through their work. Technology: theatre games; dialogue; journaling; reflection Self-Regulation: students may choose from a number of literary forms of expression of this learning. They can choose to write in any literary form. They can express it verbally or not, with care to CCSS.

16 Stage 3: Activities and experiences Unit Goal: The final demonstration of mastery driven by CCSS. Day 3: Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be more knowledgeable about the attitudes and behavior of Europeans toward non-Europeans Activity: Break into four groups to divide the chapters and present them to the class as a group. Watch Fruitvale Station re: the murder of Oscar Grant. Formative Assessment: students demonstrate this knowledge through their work. Technology: Self-Regulation:


18 Content presentation - YouTube for digital stories told on video. BlogTalkRadio for radio interviews, and archiving those interviews, to be accessed at a later date. Prezi for online presentations and collaboration so that students can add their contributions to the graphic organizer to help us fill in the knowledge areas. - allows students to catalogue a presentation of their research Pearltrees - allows students to build and share websites from their research.

19 Activities & Experiences Introduction Music/Story circle small group discussions small group presentations large group discussion movement

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